The Hindu Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Gestational Diabetes

 GS-2 Mains Exam : Health

Revision Notes


Gestational diabetes is a common pregnancy complication with concerning trends and potential long-term consequences for both mother and baby. Here’s a breakdown:

The Problem:

  • Prevalence: 14% of pregnancies worldwide are affected, and the rate is rising alongside obesity and other chronic diseases.
  • Risk Factors: Age, family history of diabetes, and high BMI significantly increase the risk.

The Complications:

  • Pregnancy Complications: Gestational diabetes increases the risk of problems during pregnancy for both mother and baby.
  • Long-Term Impact: Up to 31% of type 2 diabetes in women who have given birth is linked to gestational diabetes. Babies born to mothers with the condition are more likely to develop:
    • Short-term issues like perinatal morbidity (illness) and mortality (death).
    • Long-term problems like type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and developmental delays.

The Barriers:

  • Resource Constraints: Lack of resources can hinder proper care for women with gestational diabetes.
  • Disconnected Care: Fragmented communication between primary care providers and specialists during pregnancy can lead to missed information.
  • Misconceptions: Unfounded concerns about worrying pregnant women may prevent open discussions about long-term health risks.
  • Focus on Baby: The healthcare system might prioritize a baby’s immediate health over the mother’s long-term well-being.

The Call to Action:

  • Early Detection: The Lancet Series recommends universal screening for all pregnant women during the first trimester.
  • Effective Strategy: A two-hour blood sugar test after meals (postprandial) conducted between the 8th and 10th week of pregnancy, as used successfully in India, can help predict gestational diabetes risk.

The Takeaway:

Gestational diabetes is a serious issue with significant long-term consequences. Early detection and a holistic approach to care, considering both mother and baby’s health throughout pregnancy and beyond, are crucial.



The Hindu Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : India’s Response to Cross-Border Terrorism

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Security

Revision Notes



  • India struggles to define an “unacceptable” terror attack in response to Pakistan-backed terrorism.

The Challenge of Cross-Border Terrorism:

  • The recent Reasi attack highlights the ongoing threat of Pakistan-linked terrorism in J&K.
  • This issue has persisted for nearly 35 years, fueled by:
    • Pakistan’s support for separatism in J&K using terror tactics.
    • Success of the Afghan Jihad emboldened Pakistan and Kashmiri separatists.
  • India initially struggled to develop counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism strategies (early 1990s).
  • Pakistan’s commitment to the “Kashmir cause”:
    • Both Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto supported using terror through the army and intelligence agencies.
    • Pakistan desired structured dialogue focused on all issues, including Kashmir.
    • India wanted Pakistani terrorism addressed separately.

India’s Choice: Diplomacy vs. Force:

  • India used a combination of force and political engagement to address the internal issue in Kashmir.
  • The Simla Agreement (1972) committed India to peaceful resolution through negotiations.
    • However, it didn’t consider Pakistan using non-state actors for terrorism.
  • India opted for diplomacy and dialogue despite reservations:
    • India-Pakistan composite dialogue (1998) included “terrorism and counter-narcotics.”
    • However, Pakistan remained unwilling to address India’s concerns.
    • Public opinion in India favored military action after “unacceptable” attacks.
  • Examples of India’s use of force:
    • Considered military action after the Parliament attack (2001).
    • Balakot airstrike (2019) and pre-emption doctrine after Pulwama attack (2019).
    • Surgical strikes after the Uri attack (2016).

The Ambiguity of Force:

  • The definition of “unacceptable” terror attack remains unclear, creating ambiguity regarding military action.
  • The pre-emption doctrine allows targeting terrorist activities in Pakistan before an “unacceptable” attack occurs.


  • Following the Reasi attack, India seeks a solution to cross-border terrorism.
  • Jaishankar can start by highlighting the danger of using terror as an escalation tactic between nuclear powers.

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