1. Rural Self Employment Training Institutes


E-Foundation stone laid for National Training Academy for Rural Self Employment Training Institutes in Bengaluru.

Main points

  • The new building is the training institute of the National Academy of RUDSETI (NAR).
  • The NAR undertakes monitoring, mentoring and capacity building of the Rural Self Employment Training Institutes’ staff, State/UT Rural Livelihood Mission staff and the concerned bank officials on behalf of the Ministry of Rural Development.


Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs):

They are an initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development.

 These institutes engage in imparting training and skill upgradation of rural youth geared towards entrepreneurship development.

RSETIs are managed by banks with active cooperation from the Government of India and State Governments.

Objectives of RSETIs:

Rural BPL youth will be identified and trained for self-employment.

The training offered will be demand-driven.

The area in which training will be provided to the trainee will be decided after assessing the candidate’s aptitude.

Hand-holding support will be provided for assured credit linkage with banks.

Escort services will be provided for at least two years to ensure the sustainability of micro-enterprise trainees.

The trainees will be provided with intensive short-term residential self-employment training programmes with free food and accommodation.




According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) the latest data on accidental deaths and suicides:  42,480 farmers and daily wagers committed suicide in 2019, an increase of about 6 % from the previous year, as the number of farmers committing suicide fell marginally while that of daily wagers increased 8 %.


Main points

  • 10,281 farmers committed suicide in 2019, down from 10,357 in 2018, whereas the figure for daily wagers went up to 32,559 from 30,132.
  • The suicide rate in the deeply stressed farming sector accounted for 7.4 % of the total suicides in the country, resulting in deaths of 5,957 farmers and 4,324 agricultural labourers.
  • The total number of suicides in the country increased to 139,123 in 2019 from 1,34,516 in 2018.
  • States and UTs which reported increase in suicides in 2019 over 2018 were Bihar (44.7%), Punjab (37.5%), Daman & Diu (31.4%), Jharkhand (25.0%), Uttarakhand (22.6%) and Andhra Pradesh (21.5%).
  • Among cities, the suicide rate (13.9) was higher than the national rate (10.4), with Kollam in Kerala and Asansol in West Bengal reporting the highest suicides rate of 41.2 and 37.8 respectively.
  • Out of the mega cities, the four metropolitan cities – Chennai (2,461), Delhi (2,423), Bengaluru (2,081) and Mumbai (1,229) have reported higher numbers of suicides. These four cities together have reported almost 36.6 % of the total suicides reported from 53 mega cities.
  • The highest proportion of suicide victims (23.3 %) were educated up to matriculation while only 3.7 % were graduates and above, said the report.


GS 2


  1. Gen. Rawat pushes for Quad


General Bipin Rawat (Indian Chief of Defence Staff ) stated that India has prepared a strategy to fight off the dual-threat posed by neighbours Pakistan and China at its borders.

Main points

  • Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat has said that India wants the Quad to become a system to ensure freedom of navigation (FoN) and freedom of navigation operations (FONOPS) in the Indian Ocean and around.
  • The CDS asserted that India is keen to ensure that there is complete FoN on the seas and in the airspace above.
  • He added that Chinese economic cooperation with Pakistan in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, along with continued military, economic and diplomatic support, mandates high levels of preparation and also poses the threat of coordinated action on the Northern and Western fronts.
  • He also emphasised that adequate precautions to ensure any misadventure by Pakistan is thwarted and they are not able to succeed in their mission have been taken.




·       Quad grouping consists of India, Australia, Japan and the U.S.  It is an informal strategic dialogue between India, USA, Japan and Australia with a shared objective to ensure and support a “free, open and prosperous” Indo-Pacific region.



GS 3 Related


  1. Experts flag concerns on EIA notification


A group of Special Rapporteurs to the United Nations has written to the Centre expressing concern over the proposed Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) notification 2020.

  • The group has sought the government’s response on how the provisions of the notification are consonant with India’s obligations under international law.


Background info:

  • Special Rapporteurs are independent experts working on behalf of the United Nations.
  • They work on a country or a thematic mandate specified by the United Nations Human Rights Council.


Category: SECURITY

  1. Assam Rifles asked to shift base from Aizawl


  • Mizoram Chief Minister has asked the Assam Rifles to shift its base from the heart of the state capital Aizawl to Zokhawsang about 15 km away at the earliest besides stepping up vigil along the border with Myanmar to check drug trafficking.
  • Mizoram shares a 404 km-long international border with Myanmar.


Main points :

  • One of the battalions of the Assam Rifles had moved to the state capital in 2019.
  • The Mizo National Front government had, in 1988, asked the Assam Rifles to shift from Aizawl after the killing of 12 civilians in an encounter.
  • The stand-off between the Mizoram government and the Assam Rifles began in August 2020.
Assam Rifles

·       The Assam Rifles (AR) is a Central Para Military Force (CPMF) along with two other forces — Special Frontier Force and Coast Guard.

·       However, only the Assam Rifles functions under the administrative control of the Union Home Ministry.

·       The Assam Rifles was formed under the British in 1835 by the name of Cachar Levy and had a number of names — the Assam Frontier Police (1883), the Assam Military Police (1891) and Eastern Bengal and Assam Military Police (1913), before finally becoming the Assam Rifles in 1917.

·       It is India’s oldest paramilitary force.

·       It fulfils the dual role of maintaining internal security in the north-eastern region and guarding the Indo-Myanmar border.


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