Daily MCQ – Based on Current Affairs Only

Note- Passing Score is 40%

Daily MCQ – Based on Current Affairs ( 12th Aug 2019) 
Note for Our MCQ – sorry boss we will not ask Bouncer or stupid type MCQ  or out of Box type MCQ ( which max coaching wala doing .. we will ask only basic concepts , some important facts  and  analysis approach ) ( becz UPSC follow these pattern Only ) ( if u will do close observation at urself  )( May be we can be wrong.. but as per our observation we will follow this pattern till 10th April 2020)
Q-1-Consider the following statements regarding Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats
1-Western Ghats are continuous while Eastern Ghats are discontinuous and irregular.
2-Western Ghats are higher in elevation than Eastern Ghats.
3-Height of Western Ghats progressively decreases from North to South.
Which of the following statements are correct?
A-Only 3
B-1 and 3
C-1 and 2
D-2 and 3
Q-2 Consider the following statements regarding Tribes of India
      Tribes             State
1-Bakarwal -Jharkhand
2-Chakma – Assam
3-Chenchu -Andhra Pradesh
4-Lepchas – Jammu and Kashmir
Which of the following tribes are related correctly matched to the state?
A-1,2,3,4 are correct
B-4,2 are correct
C-3, 1 are correct
D-2, 3 are correct
Q-3 Consider the following statements –
1-2016 – town of St. Tropez in France unveiled Ranjit Singh’s Gold Statute as a mark statue.
2-The title of Lion of Punjab was given to him for his success in freeing Sindh from Afghan invaders.
Consider the following statements, which of the following are correct-
A-Both 1 and 2 are correct
B-Only 1
C-Only 2
D-Neither 1 nor 2
Q-4 Consider the following statements-
1-In June 2018, Goa’s Food Safety Department officials launched Operation Sagar Ratna to seize fishes laced with Formalin.
2-Formalin, a toxic, colourless solution is derived by dissolving Formaldehyde Gas in Water.
Consider the following statements, which of the following are true?
A-Only 1
B-Only 2
C-Both are correct 
D-Neither 1 nor 2
Q-5 Consider the following statements-
1-Kasturirangan Committee advocated preservation of 40% of entire Western Ghats as ‘Ecologically sensitive area’ unlike Gadgil Committee’s putting entire Western Ghats as ‘ Ecologically sensitive Area’.
2-Gadgil Committee’s recommendations have been accepted by the nine western Ghats states but has been rejected by the Ministry of Environment and Forest.
Which of the following set of options are true?
A-1 and 2
B-Only 1
C-Only 2
D-Neither 1 nor 2


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