GIST of India Year Book 2024

Chapter-6 : India and the World

Short Notes or Revision Notes 

India’s Successful Foreign Policy

  • Focus on Outcomes: MEA pursued pragmatic and results-oriented foreign policy.
  • Stronger Partnerships: Enhanced bilateral, regional, and multilateral ties.
  • Global Leadership: India’s rise on the world stage backed by domestic reforms.
    • G-20 Presidency in 2023 showcased leadership.
  • Operational Successes:
    • Evacuated 4,000 people in Operation Kaveri (Sudan).
    • Hosted SCO Summit in 2023 (Varanasi named SCO tourism capital).
  • Cultural Diplomacy:
    • UNESCO recognition for Hoysalas and Santiniketan.
    • World Hindi Conference in Fiji (50+ countries).
  • G-20 Presidency Highlights:
    • Focused on global challenges (e.g., Mission LiFE).
    • Advocated for inclusive development and reformed multilateralism.
    • Hosted Summit in New Delhi (32 leaders participated).
    • Landmark Leaders’ Summit Declaration.
    • Expanded G20 to include African Union.
    • Initiated key projects (India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, Global Biofuels Alliance).

India’s Foreign Policy Priorities

  • Neighbourhood First: Prioritizes relations with Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
    • Focuses on development, trade, security, and infrastructure projects.
  • Key Regional Partnerships:
    • Strong ties with Bhutan and Nepal (infrastructure, energy).
    • Growing trade and cooperation with Bangladesh (India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline).
    • Maritime security and development assistance to Maldives.
    • Development projects and humanitarian aid for Myanmar.
  • Other Important Relations:
    • Strategic partnership with the United States, Russia, Japan, and Australia.
    • Growing ties with ASEAN, Gulf countries, Africa, and the Indo-Pacific region.
    • Strong relationship with Canada (economic and people-to-people linkages).
    • Increased engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean (bilateral meetings, CELAC Summit).

India on the World Stage

  • Active Role in International Organizations:
    • Advocates for multilateralism and UNSC reforms.
    • Launched Mission LiFE for environmental sustainability.
    • Contributes to International Solar Alliance and Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure.
  • Largest Troop Contributor to UN Peacekeeping.
  • Combating Climate Change:
    • Ambitious commitments and initiatives like International Solar Alliance and Global Biofuel Alliance.
  • Counter-Terrorism Efforts:
    • Participation in international forums (CICA) and focus during G20 Presidency.
  • Disarmament and International Security:
    • Supports universal disarmament and chairs Wassenaar Arrangement.
  • Cyber Diplomacy:
    • Active in cyber dialogues and a nodal point for cyber security discussions.
  • Economic Diplomacy:
    • Promotes foreign investment, trade, and investment treaty negotiations.
  • Development Partnership:
    • Expands development assistance through projects, grants, and capacity building.
    • Engages in triangular cooperation across various sectors.

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