History Optional Question Paper-1 (2004)

Section A

  1. Mark any fifteen of the following places on the map supplied to you and write short descriptive notes on the places plotted by you on the map: 4 × 15 = 60
    1. Achichhatra
    2. Amaravati
    3. Bhimbaitka
    4. Champa
    5. Kalibangan
    6. Kanauj
    7. Kapilvastu
    8. Karle
    9. Mahabalipuram
    10. Mathura
    11. Mehrgarh
    12. Paithan
    13. Pataliputra
    14. Samath
    15. Siddapura
    16. Somnath
    17. Tamralipti
    18. Taxila
    19. Tripuri
    20. Udaigit
  2. Describe the social life of the later Vedic people. How was it different from the
  3. Explain the social aspects of Buddhism and account for its decline in India. 60
  4. Give an account of the rise of the Chalukyas of Vatapi and their struggle with other rulers. Write a note on their patronage of arts.

Section B

  1. Write short essays in not more than 200 words each on any three of the following topics: 20 × 3 = 60
    1. The ‘Corps of Forty’ and its relations with the Sultans.
    2. The Token Currency System introduced by Muhammad Tughlaq.
    3. Was Din-i-Ilahi ‘a monument of Akbar՚s folly’
    4. The system of the collection of Chauth and Sardesh-mukhi by the Maratha
  2. The Cholas are said to have established a strong and well organised administration with an element of self-government at the local level. Do you agree? Give
  3. Discuss the growth of the Niguna School of Bhakti Movement emphasising the contribution of Kabir and Nanak to it.
  4. In what ways were Aurangzeb՚s Rajput and religious policies different from those of his predecessors? What were the consequences of the changes made by him?

History Optional Question Paper-2 (2004)

Section A

  1. Comment on any THREE of the following statements in about 200 words each: 20 × 3 = 60
    1. ‘The Treaty of Salbai (1782) was neither honourable to the English nor advantageous to their interests.’ was imperfect. Results that were not anticipated. ‘entirely separate sovereign States.’ of Plassey. 60
    2. The object of the Act (Regulating) was good, butsystem that it established
    3. Permanent Settlement disappointed manyexpectations and introduced there
    4. We are therefore unable to advise the British Government that the power which at present resides in British hands should be handed over to two
  2. Discuss the causes that led to the ‘economic drain’ in Bengal following the Battle
  3. Examine the impact of British rule on Indian Society in the 19th Century. 60
  4. Analyse Indian foreign policy of Non-alignment between 1947 and 1964.60
    1. Rousseau՚s political philosophy contains the seeds of Socialism, Absolutism
    2. Napoleon was the child of the Revolution, but inmany ways he reversed the aims and principles of the movement from which he sprang
    3. To Bismarck the conclusion of the Treaty of May 20,1882, was the culmination of this system.
    4. The most important single factor. In the yearsfollowing 1919 was the French demand for security.

Section B

  1. Comment on any THREE of the following statements in about 200 words each: 20 × 3 = 60
  2. Review the background of the Chartist Movement. Despite its failure how had their demands been met in the succeeding years?
  3. What were the weaknesses and difficulties of the Weimer Republic? How did Hitler succeed in establishing his dictatorship?
  4. Analyse the factors for the collapse of Soviet Communism and Soviet Union during 1985 − 1991.

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