History Optional Question Paper-1 (2011)

Time Allowed: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 300


Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.

The answers must be written in the medimum specified in the Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers writeen in a medimum other than that specified in the Admission Certificate.

Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any thee of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section.

The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.

The answers should be precise and to-the-point. An outline map is attached to this question paper which is to be used for attempting Question No. 1. This map may be detached carefully from the question paper and attached securely to the answer book by the candidate.

Section ‘A’

  1. Mark the following places on the map supplied to u and write short descriptive notes on them. 3 × 20 = 60
    1. Chirand
    2. Kargil
    3. Basohli
    4. Lalitgiri
    5. Mandu
    6. Penukonda
    7. Samugarh
    8. Vilinam
    9. Sigiria
    10. Vikramasila
    11. Mukhalingam
    12. Halebid
    13. Sanghol
    14. Kumbharia
    15. Sirpur
    16. Pangudaria
    17. Amarkantak
    18. Kibbanhalli
    19. Jorwe
    20. Badaun
  2. Trace the development of urbanization from the third millennium B. C E to 6th century B. C E 60
  3. Answer the following questions
    1. Evalute the conceptual basis of the vedic delities. 30
    2. Assess the importance of Jain tenets and their revelance to humanity. 30
  4. Answer the following questions
    1. Evalute the introduction of iron technology in the developement of human history of ancient India. 20
    2. Discuss the types of lands and the Science of agriculture mentioned in the literature and epigraphs of ancient india. 20
    3. Assess Ellora as a unique art centre of the different cultural streams. 20

Section ‘B’

  1. Write short notes in not more than 200 words on the following: 20 × 3 = 60
    1. Assess the contribution of Iltutmish for the expansion and consolidation of the Delhi Sultanate.
    2. Examine critically the agrarian and economic reforms of Alauddin Khalji. How did it strengthen the Sultanate?
    3. What is your assessment of Ibn Batutah՚s Rehla as an important source of indian history.
  2. Evaluate the socio economic conditions from the Gupta Period to 1200 C E as gleaned from the various types of grants or dana shasana. 60
  3. Answer the following questions
    1. Mughal paintings reflect the contemporary socio-political conditions. Discuss 30
    2. Examine the mansab and jagir system by Akbar and its subsequent failure in the 18th century. 30
  4. Answer the following questions
    1. Discuss the causes of the rise and growth of regional kingdoms with special reference to Deccan in the 18th century.
    2. Assess the contribution of the Cholas in the expansion of Indian culture outside India. 30



History Optional Question Paper-2 (2011)

Time Allowed: Three Hours

Maximum Marks. 300


Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.

The answers must be written in the medimum specified in the Admission. Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medimum other than that specified in the Admission Certificate.

Candidates should attempt Questions no. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section.

The Number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.

Section A

  1. Critically evaluate the following statements in about 200 words each: 20 × 3 = 60
    1. “The need for a unilateral transfer of funds to Britain was constant factor and, in fact, progressively increased over time.”
    2. “Yound Bengal left little distinctive or permanent impression on the plane of religion and philosophy.”
    3. “The emergence of left-wing group in the congress redicalized its social economic agenda.”
  2. Answer the following questions
    1. “The Charter Act of 1833 rung down the curtain on the company՚s trade and introduced a new concept of government in India.” Substantiate. 20
    2. “Orientalism produced a knowledge of the past to service the needs of the Colonial States.” Elucidate. 20
    3. “The vernacular press in nineteenth century India served not just as newspapers but more importantly as views-papers.” Comment. 20
  3. Answer the following questions
    1. “In 1857, the rebel sepoys showed a remarkable centripetal tendency to congregate at Delhi.” Do you agree? Substantiate. 30
    2. “Tribals revolted more often and far more violently than any other community including peasants in india.” Elaborate 30
  4. Answer the following questions
    1. “Nehru՚s ‘temple of Modern India’ consisted not only of steel and power plants, irrigation dams, but included institutions of higher learning. Particularly in the scientific field.” Elaborate. 30
    2. Would you agree that India՚s effort to pursue an independent foreign policy was a highlight of post-1947 politics? 30

Section ‘B’

  1. Critically evaluate the following statements in about 200 words each: 20 × 3 = 60
    1. “The promptings of the heart are more to be trusted than the logic of the mind.” Rousseau.
    2. “The peace of Versailles lacked moral validity from the start.”
    3. “The Collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989 brought new ideas of co-operation in Europe.”
  2. Answer the following questions
    1. “The roots of Chartism are partly political and partly economic.” Elaborate. 20
    2. “Whoever says Industrial Revolution, says cotton.” Comment. 20
    3. “By 1914, the sick man of Europe was no longer just Turkey: It was Europe itself.” Explain. 20
  3. Answer the following questions
    1. Explain how American imperialism in Philippines differed with European imperialism in Indonesia and Indo-China. 30
    2. How did the policy of appeasement escalate the problem of Nazi aggrandizement? 30
  4. Answer the following questions
    1. Would you argue that the Non-Aligned Movement played a crucial role in promoting a climate of peace? 30
    2. Examine the challenges confronted by the proponents of European unity after the collapse of Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe. 30

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