Daily Current Affairs

To The Point Notes

Location in News


Location: Eastern Africa

  • Borders: Tanzania (South), Uganda (West), South Sudan (North West), Ethiopia (North), Somalia (East)
  • Indian Ocean coastline: 480 km (Eastern border)
  • Great Rift Valley runs through Kenya

Key Features:

  • Capital: Nairobi
  • Highest Point: Mount Kenya
  • Major Rivers: Tana, Athi
  • Lakes: Lake Victoria (shared with Uganda and Tanzania), Lake Turkana (largest desert lake)

Other Information:

  • Admitted to the United Nations: December 16, 1963
  • Recent downgrade by a credit rating agency might impact ability to secure loans.


Location in News


Location: Central Europe

  • Borders: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein
  • Capital: Vienna

Geographical Features:

  • Highest Mountain: Grossglockner
  • Biggest Lake: Lake Constance
  • Longest River: Danube (2,848 km, 350 km in Austria)

India-Austria Relations:

  • Established diplomatic relations in 1949
  • Celebrated 70 years of bilateral relations in 2019



3.Maritime Organisation (IMO) 2024 Award

Indian seafarers to be honored for exceptional bravery at sea.

About the Award:

  • Presented by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a specialized UN agency for regulating maritime transport (established in 1958).
  • Three categories: Award, Certificates of Commendation, Letters of Commendation.
  • Recognizes acts of exceptional bravery at sea that risk the lives of rescuers.

2024 Awardees:

  • Captain Avhilash Rawat and crew of oil tanker Marlin Luanda for their bravery in containing a fire after a missile strike.




4.Exercise Pitch Black

Indian Air Force contingent to participate in Exercise Pitch Black 2024 in Australia.

About the Exercise:

  • Biennial, multinational air combat exercise hosted by Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).
  • Focuses on night flying over large, unpopulated areas.
  • 2024 edition: Largest in its 43-year history.
    • 20 participating countries
    • Over 140 aircraft
    • 4400 military personnel
  • Provides opportunity for IAF to:
    • Integrate forces with other air forces.
    • Exchange best practices.
  • IAF previously participated in 2018 and 2022 editions.




5.Heat Domes Phenomenon

Heat Dome Explained:

  • A large area of high pressure traps hot air near the Earth’s surface, acting like a lid on a pot.
  • This prevents warm air from rising and forming clouds, leading to clear skies.
  • Trapped heat intensifies with more sunlight reaching the surface, drying the soil and hindering rain formation.
  • The longer the heat dome persists, the hotter it gets.


  • Heat waves: Heat domes are a major contributor to heat waves.

Role of Jet Stream:

  • Jet stream, a fast-moving air current, influences weather patterns.
  • Elongated jet stream waves can slow down or stall, trapping high-pressure systems and creating heat domes.
  • La Niña events can influence jet stream behavior,

affecting heat wave locations.

Climate Change Connection:

  • Climate change is making heat domes more intense, frequent, and longer-lasting.
  • A warming planet contributes to extreme weather events.

Remember: Heat domes are a natural phenomenon, but climate change is amplifying their effects.



International Relations

6.Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) Partnership

About FIPIC:

  • Established in 2014 by India to engage with Pacific Island countries.
  • Members: 14 island countries including Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa (Full List in Source).
  • Significance:
    • Strengthens India’s Act East Policy (extends influence beyond Asia).
    • Offers economic and geostrategic benefits for India.

FIPIC Initiatives:

  • Launched at the 3rd FIPIC Summit in Papua New Guinea.
  • Focus on development assistance:
    • FIPIC SME Development Project
    • Solar Projects for Government Buildings
    • Desalination Units for Drinking Water
    • Supply of Sea Ambulances
    • Jan Aushadhi Kendras (affordable healthcare)
    • Yoga Centres
  • Beyond infrastructure: Collaboration in education, health, and culture.
  • Advocacy for India’s UN Security Council Seat.



7.Upper Siang Hydropower Project

Project Description:

  • Proposed 11,000 MW dam on Siang River (Arunachal Pradesh) by NHPC.
  • Includes construction of a 300-meter high dam (largest in subcontinent).
  • Seen as strategic counter to China’s Tsangpo River dam projects.

Siang River:

  • Originates in Tibet (as Tsangpo River).
  • Flows eastward for over 1,000 km before entering Arunachal Pradesh (becomes Siang River).
  • Eventually joins Brahmaputra River in Assam.

Concerns about the Project:

  • Threat to local ecosystems, wildlife habitats, and biodiversity.
  • Potential submergence of over 300 villages of the Adi tribe, including district headquarters.


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