18th Sep. 2019 – Prelims Sure Shot


  • The Gharial is one of the three species of crocodilians only found in Indian subcontinent. The geographical range of Gharial distribution has dwindled throughout Pakistan, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh.
  • Since 1999 a sharp decline in Gharial population has been recorded throughout its entire range. In 1997 436 breeding adult Gharial were recorded, by 2006 their numbers plummeted to 182 indicating a reduction of 58% over the last 10 years. The total breeding population of Gharial in the world is now estimated to be less than 200 individuals making it a “Critically Endangered” species (IUCN 2007). The species is listed as Schedule I under the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
  • WWF-India has been involved in the Species Recovery Programme ever since the National Chambal Gharial crisis in December 2007. In collaboration with the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department, WWF-India started a Gharial reintroduction programme at Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary. Since January 2009, 250 captive reared Gharial from Kukrail Rehabilitation Centre (Lucknow) have been released into River Ganga. In collaboration with University of Tokyo, Japan and WWF-India has initiated a study on Gharial Bio-logging Science to understand the underwater behaviour and surrounding habitat of a free ranging Gharial.
  • In 1976, Project Crocodile was initiated with support from the United Nations Development Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization. The project included an intensive captive rearing and breeding programme intended to restock depleted Gharial habitats.

Akash Surface to Air Missile System

  • This is surface to air anti-aircraft missile with a strike range of 25 km and capability to carry warhead of 60 kilogram.
  • It can reach an altitude of 18 km and can be fired from both tracked and wheeled platforms.
  • The missile is guided by a phased array fire control radar called ‘Rajendra’ which is termed as Battery Level Radar (BLR) with a tracking range of about 60 km.
  • The Akash-MK-1S is capable of striking down enemy fighter jets and drones very effectively and accurately.
  • The Akash surface-to-air missile was designed to intercept enemy aircraft and missiles from a distance of 18 to 30 km.


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