The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Editorial Topic : Shed the Myopia, Refocus on the Relevance of English

 GS-2 Mains Exam : Education

Revision Notes


  • Aspiration for English: Many Indian parents desire their children to speak English for better socioeconomic opportunities.  
  • Neglected English: National education policies have consistently overlooked English language instruction.  


Impact of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 on English

  • Politicisation of education: NEP 2020 aims to restrict English language spread, influenced by political ideologies.  
  • Crucial role of English: English is a neutral tool of equality, recognized by the Constitution.
  • Economic hindrance: Restrictive policies hinder English proficiency among the economically deprived.  
  • Marginalisation: NEP neglects English in government-run schools, deepening educational inequalities.
  • Rich vs. poor divide: Wealthy families have better access to English education, widening the gap.
  • English on the sidelines: 90% of Indians do not speak English (2011 Census), highlighting the failure of education policies.
  • NEP 2020 devalues English: Labels it as foreign and ignores its global role.  
  • Lack of defined strategy: No clear plan to improve English access for economically disadvantaged groups.

The ‘Agenda’ Behind the Cover of ‘Diversity’

  • NEP 2020’s three-language formula: Ostensibly promotes linguistic diversity but aims to revive the concept of a Hindi-India.  
  • Conflict with aspirations: This approach conflicts with the aspirations of millions who view English as a ladder to socioeconomic mobility.  
  • Constitutional obligation: English and Hindi are official languages, protecting regional languages.  
  • Navigating linguistic challenges: A misguided move that will reignite linguistic disputes and squander resources.
  • Surge in English language demand: Since 1991, English demand has surged, aligning with the global narrative.  
  • Marginalise English through NEP 2020: Gives disproportionate thrust to regional languages, fueling regional identity politics.  
  • Positioning only Hindi: Attempts to position Hindi as the national language stymies English spread.

The Anti-English Stance is Not New

  • Post-independence: A significant push to establish Hindi as the lingua franca led to efforts to diminish English.  
  • Historical biases: This bias stems from the freedom struggle led by Hindi-speaking leaders.
  • Partition with Pakistan: Reinforced the focus on Hindi.
  • National Policy on Education 1968: Introduced a three-language formula to spread Hindi.  



  • Southern states challenging Hindi domination: Faced opposition from Tamil Nadu, which saw it as an imposition.  
  • NEP 2020: Continues this agenda under the guise of offering choice.
  • Impact of culture and politics: Emphasis on Hindi and Sanskrit neglects English, which remains crucial in professional, educational, and legal contexts.

Way Forward: Be Pragmatic

  • China’s approach: China recognizes the importance of English, mandating its study.  
  • Stark contrast with India’s approach: India lacks a focused English language policy, hindering global engagement and social mobility.  
  • Pragmatic language policy: India needs a policy that respects cultural diversity and addresses practical needs.
  • Two-language formula: A regional language and English would better serve the aspirations of Indians.  


  • Conclusion: The government must prioritize English promotion as a vital tool for national and international communication. This approach aligns with democratic principles and ensures that every citizen can participate fully in socioeconomic activities without linguistic barriers.




The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Editorial Topic : Juxtaposing Immediacy with Legacy in Wilmington

 GS-2 Mains Exam : IR

Revision Notes


  • Fourth Quad Leaders’ Summit in Wilmington, Delaware.
  • Marks a full circle since the first in-person summit hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden in 2021.
  • Takes place amidst pressing global challenges and leadership transitions.

Significance of the QUAD Meeting

  • Immediate significance due to past postponements.
  • Leadership transitions in the U.S. and Japan.
  • India deferred hosting the summit to the U.S. due to practical considerations for Biden.

Indo-Pacific Integration

  • Reinforce the Quad’s framework on maritime domain awareness (MDA).
  • Expand the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness (IPMDA) to the Indian Ocean region.
  • Standardize regional laws and enhance accountability for violations of international maritime norms.
  • Importance of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
  • Launch of the Quad Maritime Legal Dialogue under the Quad Maritime Security Working Group.
  • Operationalization of the South Asia program through the Information Fusion Centre-Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR).

Tracking Progress, Looking to Opportunities

  • Quad’s expansive agenda across 16 working groups.
  • Assess progress on these fronts and commit to new initiatives.
  • Review implementation of Open-RAN network, space-based climate warning system, off-grid solar projects, and STEM cohort.
  • Quad as a benchmark framework for ensuring a peaceful and stable Indo-Pacific.
  • Key role in regional security by QUAD amidst threats from hostile actors.
  • The reconfiguration of global supply chains presents opportunities for regional economic growth and security.

Way Forward: The Outlook

  • Quad summit as a prelude to the Summit of the Future.
  • Quad as a regional microcosm of global aspirations.
  • Potential for the Quad to lay the groundwork for future initiatives that align with global aspirations.


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