Daily Current Affairs 

To The Point Notes


Definition: A large column of air and mist rotating over a water body.


  • Weaker than tornadoes.
  • Lasts for 5-10 minutes.
  • Average diameter: 165 feet.
  • Wind speeds: 100 km/h.
  • Can occur anywhere, but more common in tropical waters.
  • Requires high humidity and warm water temperatures.


  • Tornadic waterspouts: Actual tornadoes that form over water or move from land to water.
  • Fair-weather waterspouts: Form over water during fair weather. Less dangerous and usually smaller.


  • Increasing due to rising ocean temperatures.


  • Recent luxury yacht sinking off the coast of Sicily, Italy, potentially due to a waterspout.


2.BPaLM Regimen for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

Definition: A new regimen for treating multidrug-resistant or rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB).

Composition: Bedaquiline, pretomanid, linezolid, and moxifloxacin (BPaLM).


  • More effective than previous regimens.
  • Shorter treatment duration (6 months vs. 18-24 months).
  • Fewer side effects.
  • Prevents transmission.
  • Pivotal tool in containing and managing TB.
  • Expected to boost India’s National TB Elimination Programme.


  • Accounts for 27% of global TB cases.
  • Set to roll out training of healthcare professionals in administering BPaLM regimen.
  • Stands to benefit significantly from the new regimen.

WHO Recommendation:

  • Recommended by WHO in 2022.
  • Currently available in nearly 40 countries.



3.Measures for Promoting the Handloom Sector

Handloom: Process of weaving cloth using a manually operated loom.

Schemes to Promote Handloom Sector:

  • National Handloom Development Programme (NHDP):
    • Formulated for 2021-22 to 2025-26.
    • Integrated and holistic development of handlooms and welfare of handloom weavers.
  • Raw Material Supply Scheme (RMSS):
    • Formerly known as Yarn Supply Scheme (YSS).
    • Provides quality yarn and blends to eligible handloom weavers at subsidized rates.
  • Handloom Weavers’ Comprehensive Welfare Scheme:
    • Provides life, accidental, and disability insurance coverage to handloom weavers/workers.
  • Weaver MUDRA Scheme:
    • Provides credit at a concessional interest rate of 6% to handloom weavers.
  • Urban Haat:
    • Set up in big towns/metropolitan cities for direct marketing facilities.
  • Design & Technology Upgradation (DTU):
    • Upgrades artisan skills through innovative designs, prototyping, revival of endangered crafts, and preservation of heritage.


4.Inflation Targeting

Definition: A central bank commits to meeting a publicly announced numerical inflation target within a specific timeframe.


  • Point Targets: A specific numerical target.
  • Band Targets: Inflation is targeted within a range.


  • Provides a clear medium-term inflation outlook.
  • Reduces inflationary shocks and their costs.
  • Leads to more stable and lower long-term interest rates.

Important Considerations:

  • Focus on numerical targets may reduce policy flexibility.
  • Monetary policy actions affect inflation with a lag.
  • Reliance on forecasts can be problematic.
  • Targets should allow for flexibility and adjustments for volatile components.
  • Excessive flexibility can undermine central bank credibility.

Scope in Developing Countries:

  • Higher inflation rates and uncertain future inflation predictions make meeting targets challenging.
  • Central bank autonomy may be limited by fiscal needs.
  • Central banks might be reluctant to raise interest rates due to fiscal concerns.


5.Liquid Water on Mars


  • New analysis of data from NASA’s Mars Insight Lander.
  • Reservoir of liquid water found deep in the rocky outer crust of Mars.
  • Located at depths of about 10-20 km.
  • Suggests water could have seeped from the surface billions of years ago.

Planet Mars:

  • Fourth planet from the Sun.
  • Cold desert world.
  • Half the size of Earth.
  • Red due to rusty iron in the ground.
  • Dynamic planet with seasons, polar ice caps, canyons, extinct volcanoes, and evidence of past activity.
  • Very thin atmosphere made of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and argon.



6.Purandar Figs

Definition: A GI-tagged fig variety grown in Purandar taluka of Pune district, Maharashtra.


  • High pulp content.
  • Rich source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Excellent sweet taste.
  • Attractive violet color.
  • Special qualities attributed to climatic factors, red-black soil, and salt-free well irrigation technique.

GI Tag:

  • Received GI tag in 2016.

APEDA Facilitation:

  • Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) facilitated the export of India’s first ready-to-drink fig juice made from Purandar Figs to Poland.


  • Established in 1986 under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • Headquarters: New Delhi.
  • Mandated with export promotion and development of products like fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, and their products.


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