Daily Current Affairs

To The Point Notes


The Sengol, a royal sceptre from Tamil Nadu, signifies kingship, righteousness, justice, and authority. Placed near the Speaker’s chair in India’s new Parliament, it has sparked controversy.

  • Historical Significance: The Sengol was a kingly emblem, representing the king’s role as a divine agent.
  • Symbolism: It embodies ideals of righteous rule.
  • Controversy: Opposition parties argue it represents monarchy, clashing with India’s democratic principles.



2.SAARC Currency Swap Arrangement (2024-2027)

  • Revised Framework: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) introduced a revised framework for currency swap arrangements with SAARC countries, valid from 2024 to 2027. (Note: Established in 2012)
  • Objectives:
    • Provide short-term foreign exchange liquidity support.
    • Assist during balance of payment crises for SAARC nations.
  • New INR Swap Window:
    • Introduced for swap support in Indian Rupees.
    • Total corpus: ₹250 billion.
  • US Dollar/Euro Swap Window :
    • Existing facility offering swap arrangements in USD and Euro.
    • Total corpus: US$ 2 billion.
  • SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation):
    • Established: 1985
    • Secretariat: Kathmandu, Nepal (Established: 1987)
    • Aim: Enhance economic and social development within member states through regional cooperation.
    • Member Countries (8): Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka



3.SEBI Amends Insider Trading Regulations (PIT) 

Context: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) introduced more flexibility for insiders trading their company shares.


  • Insiders (e.g., senior management) have access to unpublished price-sensitive information (UPSI) which can give them an unfair advantage.
  • To prevent insider trading, regulations require insiders to pre-plan their trades through a “Trading Plan” specifying share price, quantity, and transaction date.


  • Reduced Cool-off Period: Minimum waiting time between disclosing and executing a trading plan is lowered from 6 months to 4 months.
  • 20% Price Range: Insiders can set a 20% price range (up or down) for buying or selling shares in the trading plan.
  • Trade Flexibility: Insiders can choose not to execute the trade if the market price falls outside their specified price range. They must inform the company’s compliance officer within two days with reasons.



4.Space MAITRI Mission (2026)


  • New Space India Ltd (NSIL) to launch Australian-built Optimus spacecraft.

Mission Goal:

  • Space MAITRI (Mission for Australia-India’s Technology, Research & Innovation) promotes sustainable space operations.


  • Space Machines Company (Australia-India) signs launch agreement with NSIL (ISRO’s commercial arm).

Optimus Spacecraft:

  • Largest Australian-designed spacecraft.
  • Second Space Machines spacecraft launched by NSIL’s SSLV.


  • Address space debris management.
  • Foster technological innovation in space.
  • Strengthen Australia-India collaboration in space (commercial, institutional, government).

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