Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Kerala’s Wayanad Landslides

GS-3 Mains  : Disaster Management


  • Massive landslides in Wayanad, Kerala in July 2024.
  • At least 84 deaths, many injured.
  • Ecologist Madhav Gadgil blamed Kerala govt for ignoring ecological warnings.


  • Sudden, rapid movement of rock, soil, debris down a slope due to gravity.
  • Common in steep terrains, areas with joints, fissures, and water saturation.

Causes of Landslides:

  • Natural: heavy rainfall, erosion, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.
  • Anthropogenic: deforestation, encroachment, uncontrolled excavation, climate change.

Kerala’s Vulnerability:

  • High rainfall, flooding: 14.5% land vulnerable.
  • 1848 sq km (4.75% area) identified as high landslide hazard zone.
  • Located in seismic zone III (moderate damage risk).

Gadgil Committee Recommendations:

  • Classified Western Ghats into 3 ecological sensitivity zones.
  • Designated entire region as Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA).
  • Restricted development activities in ESZ 1.
  • Advocated bottom-to-top governance, decentralization.
  • Proposed Western Ghats Ecology Authority.
  • Banned single commercial crop cultivation.
  • Emphasized community participation.

Measures Taken in India:

  • Disaster Management Act, 2005.
  • National Landslide Risk Management Strategy, 2019.
  • National Landslide Hazard Management Guidelines, 2009.
  • National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) capacity building.
  • Early warning systems (e.g., Ensemble Prediction System).

Western Ghats:

  • 1600 km mountain chain along west coast.
  • Covers 6 states, with 60% in Karnataka.
  • Crucial for region’s climate, biodiversity hotspot.
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site (2012).

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