Daily Hot Topic
Topic : State of the World’s Mangroves, 2024 Report

GS-3 Mains  : Economy


  • Released by Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA) on World Mangrove Day (26 July).

Key Findings:

  • Distribution: Southeast Asia leads with 33.6% global mangrove cover, Indonesia holds 21%.
  • Threats: Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico facing significant losses. Lakshadweep and Tamil Nadu mangroves critically endangered.
  • Loss Causes: Aquaculture, oil palm, rice cultivation account for 43% loss (2000-2020). Shrimp farms major culprit.


  • Small trees/shrubs in coastal saline sediments.
  • Flowering plants (Rhizophoraceae, Acanthaceae, Lythraceae, Combretaceae, Arecaceae).
  • Adaptations:
    • Saline environment: roots filter 90% salt.
    • Low oxygen: roots absorb atmospheric oxygen.
    • Freshwater storage: thick succulent leaves.
    • Viviparous: seeds germinate on parent tree (propagules).
  • India: Sundarbans (largest, UNESCO World Heritage), Bhitarkanika (second largest, Ramsar site).


  • Natural barriers against storms, floods, sea-level rise.
  • Diverse habitat for organisms.
  • Carbon storage powerhouses.
  • Livelihood sources.

Steps Taken:

  • India:
    • MISHTI Programme: protects/revives mangroves, improves livelihoods.
    • Conservation and Management of Mangroves and Coral Reefs scheme.
  • Global:
    • Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA): aims to expand mangrove cover by 20% till 2030.
    • Mangrove Alliance for Climate (MAC): led by UAE, Indonesia (India member), focuses on mangroves and climate change.

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