Daily Hot Topic
Topic : India-China Border Talks

GS-3 Mains  : Security

India-China Border Talks


  • 30th round of Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China Border Affairs (WMCC) held in New Delhi.
  • Established post 2020 LAC standoff.
  • In-depth, constructive talks; maintaining momentum through diplomatic and military channels.

Importance of India-China Peace

  • Economic giants: Boost trade and investment.
  • Regional stability: Major Asian powers.
  • Border security: Prevent conflicts, misunderstandings.
  • Geopolitical influence: Stable international environment.


  • Military buildup: Increased tensions.
  • Historical issues: 1962 war, mistrust.
  • Border disputes: LAC unresolved.

Way Ahead

  • Sustained efforts: Build trust, understanding.
  • Diplomatic and military channels: Implement consensus.
  • Stabilize border situation.

Line of Actual Control (LAC)

  • Separates Indian and Chinese controlled territories.
  • India: 3488 km; China: 2000 km.
  • Sectors: Eastern (Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim), Middle (Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh), Western (Ladakh).
  • Eastern sector: McMahon Line (1140 km).

LAC vs. Line of Control (LoC)

  • LoC: 1948 ceasefire line, formalized in 1972 Shimla Agreement, delineated on map.
  • LAC: Concept, not agreed upon, no map or demarcation.

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