Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Relevance of NATO after 75 Years
GS-2 Mains  : IR


  • Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has revitalized NATO, reaffirming its importance as it celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2024.

About NATO

  • Founded in 1949 through the North Atlantic Treaty (Washington Treaty).
  • Aim: Collective defense of member countries.
  • Founding Members: 12 including US, Canada, UK, France.
  • Key Principle: Article 5 – An attack on one is considered an attack on all.
  • Decision Making: Consensus among member countries through the North Atlantic Council.
  • Current Members: 32 including recent additions of Finland and Sweden.

Expansion of NATO

  • Grew from 12 to 32 members across Europe and North America.
  • Significant expansion after the fall of USSR (1991) with Eastern European countries joining (Poland, Hungary, etc.).
  • Finland and Sweden (previously neutral) applied in 2022 following the Ukraine invasion.
  • Finland joined in 2023, Sweden in March 2024, marking NATO’s biggest expansion since the 1990s.
  • Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Georgia aspire to join NATO.

Relevance of NATO

  • Countering Russia: NATO acts as a counterweight to Russian influence in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
  • Benefits for Eastern Europe: Promotes democratic reforms and peaceful coexistence within Europe.
  • Stronger Defense: Strengthens collective defense capabilities of member states.
  • Addressing New Threats: Allows adaptation to new security challenges like cyberattacks and hybrid warfare requiring a collective response.

Concerns of NATO Expansion

  • Geopolitical Tensions: Expanding borders can provoke tensions with neighboring countries, especially those close to Russia (e.g., Ukraine war).
  • Security Dilemma: Can create a situation where one country’s security measures are perceived as a threat by another, leading to an arms race.
  • Strategic Interests: Raises questions about NATO’s strategic goals and commitment to collective defense. Some argue for consolidation before expansion.
  • European Security Architecture: Expansion could undermine broader European security efforts like the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
  • Counter Alliances: Countries threatened by NATO might form counter-alliances like the Warsaw Treaty Organization by Russia, further escalating tensions.
  • Potential for Conflict: Expansion could increase the risk of conflict in regions with existing territorial disputes.

The Way Forward

  • NATO expansion offers security benefits but also presents challenges.
  • Diplomacy, dialogue, and mutual understanding of security concerns are crucial for maintaining regional peace and stability.

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