Daily Current Affairs

To The Point Notes


1.India’s Energy Transition:

  • Goal: Net-zero emissions by 2070.
  • Challenge: Balancing fossil fuel dependence with renewable energy growth.

Dual-Pronged Approach:

  • Fossil Fuels: Manage imports, explore domestic sources, prioritize efficiency and environmental protection.
  • Renewables: Achieve 500 GW non-fossil fuel electricity generation by 2030.

Current Issue: Compartmentalized decision-making across multiple ministries.

Geopolitical Context:

  • Global competition for resources and technology impacting green transition.
  • China’s dominance in green materials and technology raises security concerns.


  • Energy Strategy Document: Develop a plan addressing security, convergence, and sustainability.
  • Public-Private Partnership: Incentivize private investment and public spending for strategic sectors.

Renewable Energy Push:

  • Ambitious targets: 175 GW by 2022, 450 GW by 2030 (solar, wind, biomass, hydro).
  • Policy support: National Solar Mission, rooftop solar incentives, wind power auctions.

Source : https://www.iisd.org/story/mapping-india-energy-policy-2023/




2.Sunkoshi River Cleanup and Koshi River System

  • Project CAP Cleanup: A campaign by Project CAP (Collaborative Approach for Preventing Plastic Leakages in Rivers) cleaned the Sunkoshi River in Nepal’s Bagmati province. This effort aimed to remove plastic waste and conserve freshwater ecosystems.
  • Sunkoshi River Significance:
    • Part of the larger Koshi or Saptakoshi River system.
    • Two source streams:
      • One originates in Nepal (Choukati).
      • Larger stream flows from Tibet (Bhote Koshi/Matsang Tsangpo).
    • Headwaters in Zhangzangbo Glacier (Tibet).
    • Flows east between the Mahabharat Range and Himalayas.
    • Joined by tributaries: Tamakosi, Likhu, Dudhkosi, Arun, Tamor (left bank), Indravati (right bank).
    • Contributes 44% of the total water volume in the Saptakoshi River system (compared to 37% from Arun and 19% from Tamur).
  • Koshi River System:
    • Transboundary river flowing through China, Nepal, and India.
    • Also known as Saptakoshi (Seven Rivers).
    • Originates in the Himalayas, fed by seven major tributaries including the Tamur, Arun, and Sun Kosi rivers.
    • Notorious for frequent course changes due to heavy monsoon silt load.
    • Unpredictable floods cause devastation in India’s Bihar state (nicknamed “Sorrow of Bihar”).
    • Built a massive alluvial fan in the plains of Bihar, constantly shifting its course.

Source :  https://ddnews.gov.in/en/river-sunkoshi-cleanup-in-nepal-removes-24575-kg-of-plastic-in-36-hours/



3.Sickle Cell Disease in India

  • Genetic Blood Disorder: Sickle cell disease (SCD) affects red blood cells due to abnormal hemoglobin.
  • Impact on Red Blood Cells: Healthy red blood cells are round and flexible, but in SCD, they become sickle-shaped (like a farm tool), stiff, and sticky.
  • Prevalence in India: Highest in South Asia, with over 20 million affected individuals.
  • Treatment Challenges: Hydroxyurea, an effective drug, is often unavailable in child-friendly doses.
  • Limited Treatment: Fear of side effects restricts therapy to symptomatic children only.
  • National Program: The National Sickle Cell Anaemia Elimination Program aims to eliminate SCD transmission by 2047.


Source: https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/health/icmr-seeks-to-provide-oral-formulation-of-hydroxyurea-to-treat-sickle-cell-disease-in-children/article68246282.ece



Science and Technology

4.PraVaHa: ISRO’s CFD Software

  • Developed by ISRO for aerodynamic analysis of spacecraft.
  • Simulates external & internal airflows on launch vehicles & re-entry vehicles (winged/unwinged).
  • Crucial for withstanding harsh aerodynamic & thermal loads during launch/re-entry.
  • Used in Gaganyaan program for analyzing human-rated vehicles (HLVM3, CES, CM).
  • Currently simulates airflow for ideal & real gas conditions.

Source : https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/isro-develops-pravaha-software-for-aerodynamic-design-and-analysis/article68246269.ece#:~:text=The%20Indian%20Space%20Research%20Organisation,Sarabhai%20Space%20Centre%20(VSSC).


Science and Technology

5.Green-Beard Genes: Decoding Altruism 

  • Unearthing Cooperation: Scientists are using ‘green-beard’ genes in the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum to understand the evolution of altruism in nature.
  • Friend or Foe? These genes act like a recognition system. Individuals with the same green-beard gene version cooperate with each other, promoting altruistic behavior. However, the gene can also trigger aggression towards those with different versions, creating a “green vs. non-green” conflict.
  • The Green Marker: Imagine the gene as a metaphorical green beard, a visible tag that determines cooperation or hostility. This self-recognition allows individuals to identify those who share their genetic “beard” and act accordingly.
  • The Amoeba: Dictyostelium discoideum is a single-celled organism that thrives in the wild, feeding on bacteria found on decaying plant matter. Studying its social behavior through green-beard genes sheds light on how cooperation might have emerged in simpler life forms.


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