Daily Current Affairs

To The Point Notes



Why in News ?

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is seeking collaboration to develop a child-friendly version of Hydroxyurea (HU), a drug crucial for managing Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).

More Information

SCD and the Problem: SCD is a genetic blood disorder where abnormal, sickle-shaped red blood cells obstruct blood flow, causing immense pain and organ damage. India has the highest burden of SCD in South Asia, affecting over 20 million people.

Hydroxyurea: The Weapon: HU is an existing drug that helps manage SCD by increasing the production of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in red blood cells. HbF allows red blood cells to retain their normal, disc-like shape, improving blood flow and reducing complications.

Why Pediatric Formulation?

Currently, HU lacks an appropriate dosage form for children. The National Mission to eliminate SCD by 2047 necessitates a child-friendly HU formulation to ensure early intervention and better treatment outcomes.

ICMR’s Call to Action: By inviting collaboration for pediatric HU development, ICMR aims to improve the lives of millions of children suffering from SCD in India.

Source : https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/health/icmr-seeks-to-provide-oral-formulation-of-hydroxyurea-to-treat-sickle-cell-disease-in-children/article68246282.ece




2.C-DOT Wins UN Award for Disaster Resilience Tech

Why in News ?

Recognition for Innovation: The Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) secured a prestigious UN award for its “Mobile-Enabled Disaster Resilience through Cell Broadcast Emergency Alerting” initiative.

More Information

Award Context: The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum, co-organized by UN bodies, recognized C-DOT’s contribution at their 2024 Geneva event. This win highlights C-DOT’s dedication to using technology for social good.

C-DOT’s Solutions: C-DOT showcased advanced telecom solutions, including an early warning system based on ITU standards and AI-powered fraud detection.

About C-DOT: Established in 1984, C-DOT is an autonomous R&D center under India’s Department of Telecommunication. It’s a registered society and a recognized public-funded research institution.

C-DOT’s Cell Broadcast Platform: This innovative platform delivers crucial emergency information directly to mobile phones through cellular networks.

Key Features:

  • Near Real-Time Alerts: Timely dissemination of life-saving information during emergencies.
  • Geo-Targeted and Multi-Hazard: Location-based alerts ensure targeted responses for various disasters.
  • Multi-lingual Support: Alerts are accessible in multiple languages for wider reach.
  • Cost-Effective and Automated: An indigenous solution promoting efficient disaster management.

Global Alignment: C-DOT’s technology aligns with global initiatives like:

  • Early Warnings for All (EW4All): Contributing to international efforts for early warning systems.
  • ITU’s Common Alerting Protocol (CAP): Standardizing alert formats for global compatibility.
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Supporting progress towards disaster resilience.

C-DOT’s award-winning platform demonstrates India’s commitment to technological innovation for a safer and more resilient society.

Source : https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=2022951




3.The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

Why in News ?

The recent meeting between US officials and the GCC in Riyadh highlights their focus on strengthening defense cooperation and establishing a joint working group to counter air and maritime threats. This reflects the GCC’s role as a key player in regional security.

More Information

The Gulf Cooperation Council, also known as the GCC, is a regional organization bringing together six Middle Eastern countries: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman. Founded in 1981, the GCC aims for unity and cooperation among its members across various spheres.


  • Integration: The GCC strives to create close economic, political, and social ties between member states.
  • Deepened Relations: The organization fosters stronger connections and collaboration among member nations in all sectors.
  • Unified Regulations: The GCC works towards establishing similar regulations in various fields, including finance, commerce, education, and healthcare.
  • Joint Progress: The GCC encourages scientific and technological advancements, joint ventures, and private sector cooperation for the collective benefit of its people.


  • Supreme Council: The highest authority, comprising the heads of each member state with a rotating presidency.
  • Consultative Commission: Composed of 30 members with expertise, advising the Supreme Council.
  • Dispute Settlement Commission: Addresses disagreements arising from interpreting the GCC charter.
  • Ministerial Council: Foreign ministers (or designated representatives) meet quarterly to implement Supreme Council decisions and propose new policies.
  • Secretariat General: The administrative arm overseeing policy execution and meeting arrangements.

The recent meeting between US officials and the GCC in Riyadh highlights their focus on strengthening defense cooperation and establishing a joint working group to counter air and maritime threats. This reflects the GCC’s role as a key player in regional security.

Source : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/gulf-cooperation-council




4.Get Real Information on PM-KUSUM Solar Pump Yojana

Why In News ?

The Ministry of Renewable Energy warns farmers about fraudulent websites and apps demanding registration fees for PM-KUSUM Yojana solar pumps. Don’t be a victim!

The Real Deal:

  • The official website for PM-KUSUM is pmkusum.mnre.gov.in. Bookmark it!
  • This scheme offers subsidies to install solar panels on farms for:
    • Generating electricity for personal use and selling excess to the grid.
    • Replacing diesel water pumps with solar alternatives.
    • Solarizing existing grid-connected pumps.

More Information

PM-KUSUM in Action:

  • Component A (Large Scale):
    • Sets up solar power plants (500 kW to 2 MW) on barren or cultivable land.
    • Generates additional income by selling power to electricity companies.
    • Allows crops underneath if installed on stilts.
    • Applicable for individuals, groups, cooperatives, and water user associations with land near a substation.
  • Component B (Off-Grid):
    • Supports standalone solar pumps for farmers in off-grid areas.
    • Provides subsidies to replace diesel pumps with solar options.
    • Covers pumps up to 7.5 HP with central and state government sharing subsidy (30% each). Farmers or loans cover the remaining 40%.
    • Increased subsidy (up to 50% central government) in North-Eastern states, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, and some hill states.
  • Component C (Grid-Connected):
    • Assists farmers with existing grid-connected pumps to switch to solar.
    • Allows solar capacity up to twice the pump capacity.
    • Farmers can use the generated power for irrigation and sell excess to electricity companies.
    • Subsidy structure similar to Component B applies.

Benefits of PM-KUSUM:

  • Access to advanced solar technology for farmers.
  • Eco-friendly irrigation with cleaner energy.
  • Potential for increased income by selling surplus power.
  • Reduced reliance on diesel.
  • Income generation for landowners through solar plant installation on uncultivated land (Component A).
  • Continued cultivation with strategically placed solar panels (Component A).
  • Reduced farm pollution and promotion of sustainable agriculture.

Who Can Apply?

  • Individual farmers
  • Groups of farmers
  • Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)
  • Panchayats
  • Cooperatives
  • Water User Associations

Stay Informed, Stay Protected!

Refer to the official website (pmkusum.mnre.gov.in) for genuine information and avoid falling prey to fake websites and apps.



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