Daily Hot Topic

Topic : Global Gender Gap Index: WEF

GS-1, 2 Mains  : Issues Related to Women, IR

Revision Notes


  • The World Economic Forum (WEF) published the 18th edition of the Global Gender Gap Report (2024).

About the Global Gender Gap Index (2024)

  • Annually benchmarks gender parity across four key dimensions:
    1. Economic Participation and Opportunity
    2. Educational Attainment
    3. Health and Survival
    4. Political Empowerment

Key Findings of the Report

  • Global Results:
    • Gender gap closed: 68.5% (2024), indicating a 31.5% gap remains.
    • Improvement: +0.1 percentage point from last year’s 68.5% to 68.6%.
  • Time to Parity:
    • Estimated 134 years to reach full parity.
    • Slowed progress affects the rate to achieve parity.
  • Top Performers:
    • No country achieved full gender parity.
    • 97% economies closed more than 60% of their gap, up from 85% in 2006.
    • Top countries:
      • Iceland (1st, 93.5%)
      • Finland (2nd, 87.5%)
      • Norway (3rd, 87.5%)
      • Sweden (5th, 81.6%)
      • Germany (7th, 81%)
      • Ireland (9th, 80.2%)
      • Spain (10th, 79.7%)
    • Finland is the only economy to have closed over 90% of its gender gap.
  • Lowest Performers:
    • Sudan ranked last (146th).
    • Pakistan slipped to 145th.
  • Labour-force Participation:
    • Improved from 63.5% (2023) to 65.7% (2024) in 101 tracked economies.

India’s Performance

  • Overall Ranking:
    • 129th (2024), down from 127th (2023).
    • Gender gap closed: 64.1%.
  • Educational Attainment & Political Empowerment:
    • Declines in both areas.
  • Economic Participation & Opportunity:
    • Slight improvement.
  • Best Gender Parity:
    • Enrolment in secondary education.
  • Political Empowerment:
    • Top-10 in head-of-state indicator.
    • Low representation: Ministerial positions (6.9%) and Parliament (17.2%).
  • Regional Ranking:
    • Fifth in South Asia (after Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan).
  • Economic Parity:
    • Among the lowest globally, <30% parity in estimated earned income.

Gender Inequality in India

Socio-Cultural Disparity

  • Sex Ratio:
    • Overall: 1020 females per 1000 males (NFHS-5, 2019-21).
    • At Birth: 929, indicating sex selection.
  • Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR):
    • 97 per lakh live births (2018-20).
  • Malnutrition (NFHS-5):
    • Underweight women (15-49 years): 18.7%.
    • Stunted women (15-49 years): 21.2%.
    • Anaemic women (15-49 years): 53%.
  • Education (NFHS-5, 2019-21):
    • Female literacy rate: 70.3%.
    • Male literacy rate: 84.7%.
  • Gender-Based Violence (NCRB, 2021):
    • Over 4 lakh cases of crimes against women.
  • Child Marriage (NFHS-5):
    • Women married before age 18: 23.3%.

Economic Disparity

  • Employment:
    • Female labour force participation (15+ years): 32.8% (PLFS, 2021-22).
  • Informalisation (ILO):
    • Female employment in informal economy: 81.8%.
  • Wage Gap:
    • Women paid 21% of men’s income (Global Gender Gap Report 2021).

Political Disparity

  • Representation in Parliament & State Legislatures:
    • Women MPs and MLAs: ~14%.
  • Representation in Local Panchayats (Ministry of Panchayati Raj, April 2023):
    • Women panchayat representatives: 46.94%.
    • Sarpanch-Pati culture reduces effective representation.

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