Daily Current Affairs

To The Point Notes


1.Article 341: Scheduled Castes

Supreme Court Ruling: States cannot modify the Scheduled Caste List published under Article 341.

What is Article 341?

  • Crucial provision for identifying Scheduled Castes (SCs).
  • SCs: Historically marginalized communities facing social exclusion.

Who identifies SCs?

  • President of India specifies castes/races/tribes considered SCs through a notification.

Benefits of being on the SC List:

  • Entitled to protective measures and affirmative action programs.

Changing the SC List:

  • Additions, deletions, or modifications can only be done by Parliament legislation, not by states.

State Role:

  • Implement SC-related policies.
  • No direct authority to alter the SC List.





2.Halwa Ceremony and Budget Preparation


  • Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman participated in the traditional ‘halwa’ ceremony, marking the final stage for the Union Budget 2024-25 preparation.

Halwa Ceremony:

  • Traditional Dessert: ‘Halwa’ is prepared and served to officials and staff of the finance ministry.
  • Annual Event: Conducted every year before the “lock-in” process of Budget preparation begins.
  • Historical Significance: A part of the Budget tradition for decades.

Lock-in Period:

  • Location: All officials involved in Budget preparations stay at North Block.
  • Purpose: To ensure the secrecy of the Union Budget.
  • Conclusion: The lock-in period ends when the Finance Minister tables the Union Budget in Parliament.






3.Chandipura Virus

Outbreak: Gujarat (2024)

  • Type: RNA virus, Rhabdoviridae family (like rabies)
  • Identified: 1965, Chandipura village, Maharashtra
  • Spread: Sandflies (Phlebotomine, Phlebotomus papatasi) & Aedes aegypti mosquitos (dengue vector)
    • Virus in insect’s saliva transmitted through bites
  • Symptoms (mainly children 9 months-14 years):
    • Fever
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Headache
  • Complications: Encephalitis (brain inflammation)
  • Treatment: No specific antiviral treatment or vaccine
    • Supportive care to manage symptoms and prevent complications





4.Tehri Pumped Storage Plant (PSP)

Project Review (2024): Ministry of Power & Housing Affairs

Capacity: 1,000 MW (part of 2400 MW Tehri Power Complex)

  • Location: Uttarakhand, India (Bhagirathi River, Ganges tributary)
  • Storage: 5.7 TWh


  • Provides peak power to the national grid during high demand.
  • Stores excess monsoon water from Bhagirathi River.
  • Releases stored water during non-monsoon for:
    • Irrigation
    • Drinking water (Gangetic plains of Uttarakhand & Uttar Pradesh)
  • Generates 2400 MW of peaking power during water release.




Art and Culture

5.Vishalgad Fort

In the News: Protests for removing encroachments and banning animal slaughter.


  • Built 1058 by Shilahara dynasty (initially Khilgil Fort).
  • Belonged to Shirke clan under Bahmani rule (called Khelna).
  • 1660: Refuge for Shivaji Maharaj after Panhala Fort siege.
  • 1844: Played a key role in rebellion against British-backed regent.
  • Ruled by Adilshah, Shivaji, Sambhaji, Mughals, and British.


  • Dargah of Hazrat Sayed Malik Rehan Meera Saheb (pilgrimage site).

Current Status:

  • In ruins, undergoing restoration (fortification walls, entrance arch).





6.United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Mission: Address global environmental challenges.

Established: 1972, following the UN Conference on the Human Environment.

Headquarters: Nairobi, Kenya (one of few UN agencies in a developing country).

Key Focus Areas:

  • Climate Change: Research, reports, and advocacy for mitigation and adaptation.
  • Ecosystem Management: Conservation and sustainable management of land and sea ecosystems.
  • Green Economic Development: Promoting sustainable practices and technologies.

International Agreements:

  • Develops and implements agreements like:
    • Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
    • Minamata Convention on Mercury
    • Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions
    • Convention on Migratory Species
    • CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • Helps achieve the 17 SDGs for poverty reduction, planetary protection, and prosperity.

Research and Publications:

  • Leading source of environmental data and analysis:
    • Global Resources Outlook
    • World Environment Situation Room
    • Global Waste Management Outlook
    • Emissions Gap Report
    • Adaptation Gap Report
  • Established IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) with World Meteorological Organization in 1988.

Funding and Implementation:

  • Implementing Agency for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for global environmental projects.
  • Involved with the Multilateral Fund for phasing out ozone-depleting substances.











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