Daily Current Affairs 

To The Point Notes

1.Gumti River: A Transboundary Watercourse

Origin and Course

  • Origin: Longtharai and Atharamura hills in Tripura, India.
  • Length: 167.4 kilometers.
  • Course: Flows through Tripura, India, and then enters Bangladesh.
  • Confluence: Merges with the Meghna River system near Daudkandi, Bangladesh.


  • Right Bank: Kanchi Gang, Pitra Gang, San Gang.
  • Left Bank: Ek Chhari, Maharani Chhara, Ganga.

Disputes and Concerns

  • India-Bangladesh Border Disputes: India has denied Bangladesh’s claims that flooding in eastern Bangladesh was caused by the Dumbur dam on the Gumti River.
  • Environmental Concerns: The river’s flow and water quality can be affected by factors such as deforestation, urbanization, and industrial activities in both countries.



2.Ukraine Joins the International Criminal Court


  • Ukraine’s Goal: To hold Russia accountable for war crimes committed during the ongoing conflict.

The International Criminal Court (ICC)

  • Purpose: Investigates and prosecutes individuals accused of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the crime of aggression.
  • Jurisdiction: Acts as a court of last resort, complementing national courts.
  • History: Established in 2002 based on the Rome Statute, adopted in 1998.
  • Authority: Investigates crimes committed on the territory of member states or by their nationals if domestic authorities are unable or unwilling to act.
  • Members: 124 countries are States Parties to the Rome Statute. Notable non-members include China, India, Russia, and the United States.

Recent Developments

  • Armenia’s Accession: In February 2024, Armenia became the latest country to join the ICC.
  • Ukraine’s Vote: Ukraine’s parliament voted to join the ICC, signaling its commitment to seeking justice for alleged war crimes committed by Russia.



3.Glass Ceiling: Barriers to Women’s Advancement


  • Meaning: A metaphorical barrier that prevents women from reaching senior positions in organizations, despite their qualifications and abilities.
  • Symbolism: The term “glass” suggests the barrier is invisible or transparent, making it difficult to identify.


  • First Usage: Coined by Marilyn Loden in 1978 during a discussion on women in the workplace.
  • Context: The Second Wave of Feminism in the 1960s and ’70s, when women demanded equality in the workplace.
  • Legal Measures: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited sex-based discrimination in employment.

Impact and Efforts

  • Glass Ceiling Commission: Established in 1991 by President George H.W. Bush to investigate barriers faced by women in the workplace.
  • Ongoing Challenges: Despite progress, women continue to face challenges in breaking through the glass ceiling in many industries.
  • Symbol of Progress: Kamala Harris’ nomination as a presidential candidate is seen as a significant step towards shattering the glass ceiling.



4.Central Banker Report Cards 2024 – Key Highlights

  • Context: RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das has been ranked among the top three central bankers globally for the second consecutive year by US-based Global Finance magazine.
  • Global Finance Magazine:
    • Announced the Central Banker Report Cards 2024.
    • Evaluated central bank governors from 100 countries on an “A+” to “F” scale.
    • Criteria included success in inflation control, economic growth goals, currency stability, and interest rate management.
    • An ‘A+’ denotes excellent performance, while an ‘F’ indicates outright failure.
  • Top Performers:
    • Denmark’s Christian Kettel Thomsen
    • India’s Shaktikanta Das
    • Switzerland’s Thomas Jordan
    • All ranked under the ‘A+’ category.
  • Annual Central Banker Report Cards:
    • Published annually by Global Finance since 1994.
    • Honors bank leaders for originality, creativity, and tenacity in outperforming peers.
    • Recognizes excellence in central banking across nearly 100 countries.


5.Digital General Crop Estimation Survey (DGCES)


  • Nationwide implementation of DGCES.
  • National conference convened by the Centre to discuss improvements in crop production statistics.

About DGCES:

  • Aims to enhance accuracy, reliability, and transparency of agricultural statistics.
  • Helps in policy formulation, trade decisions, and agricultural planning.
  • Integrates cutting-edge technologies like remote sensing, geospatial analysis, and AI.
  • Revamps FASAL (Forecasting Agricultural output using Space, Agro-meteorology, and Land-based observations).
  • Provides plot-level data with geotagged areas of crops.


  • Efficient data collection.
  • Reduces discrepancies.
  • Contributes to better policymaking in the agricultural sector.

Methodology of Crop Estimation:

  • Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES) releases estimates of area, production, and yield.
  • Crop production estimates obtained by multiplying area estimates by yield estimates.
  • Area and yield rate estimates are crucial in agricultural statistics.

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