Daily Current Affairs

To The Point Notes

1.Flamingos in Danger

  • Threatened by Human Activities and Climate Change: Human actions and shifting weather patterns endanger flamingo populations.

About Flamingos:

  • Social Birds: Flamingos are highly social, living in large groups (sometimes thousands).
  • Habitat Variety: They thrive in lagoons, estuaries, coastal/inland lakes, and mudflats.
  • Species: Six flamingo species exist, with varying conservation statuses:
    • Greater Flamingo (Least Concern)
    • Chilean Flamingo (Near Threatened)
    • American Flamingo (Least Concern)
    • Lesser Flamingo (Near Threatened)
    • Andean Flamingo (Vulnerable)
    • James’s Flamingo (Near Threatened)

Flamingos in India:

  • Greater Flamingo: Migrates from Israel, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. State bird of Gujarat.
  • Lesser Flamingo: Migrates from Siberia to Mumbai via Gujarat’s Rann of Kutch.

Importance & Threats:

  • Environmental Indicators: Their well-being reflects the health of their ecosystem.
  • Climate Change Impact: Changing water levels and salinity disrupt nesting sites.
  • Habitat Loss & Droughts: These pose major threats due to climate change.



2.Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles

  • Joint Production Discussion: India and the US are considering co-producing Javelin missiles to meet Indian military needs.
  • Man-Portable System: Designed for single-soldier transportation and deployment.
  • Fire-and-Forget Technology: Automatically guides itself after launch, allowing soldiers to take cover quickly.



3.eSakshya App for Evidence Collection (MHA)

  • Developed by NIC (1976): National Informatics Centre, tech partner of Government of India under MeitY.
  • Purpose: Mobile app to help police record crime scenes, searches & seizures, and upload evidence to the cloud.
  • Features:
    • Records video evidence (max 4 minutes per file, multiple files per FIR).
    • Police officer selfie upload after completion.
  • Significance: Supports digital evidence collection mandated by new criminal laws.



4.Ratle Power Project

  • Project: Run-of-the-river hydroelectric project on Chenab River, Jammu & Kashmir (J&K).
  • Dispute: Pakistan objects to the project since 2006, citing technical concerns.
    • Pakistan demanded arbitration (rejected by India).
  • Indus Water Treaty (IWT) 1960: Allocates water rights between India and Pakistan:
    • Western Rivers (Indus, Jhelum, Chenab) – To Pakistan
    • Eastern Rivers (Ravi, Beas, Sutlej) – To India
    • Treaty allows some usage of allocated rivers by the other country.
  • India’s Stance: Claims rights over J&K river waters under IWT and full rights over Punjab rivers.
    • Maintains it adheres to the IWT.
  • Recent Development: Pakistani delegation and World Bank experts visited the Ratle project, possibly for a resolution.


5.Front Running

Why in News ?

  • A recent allegation against a mutual fund indulging in front running, indicating that this illegal practice remains a concern in the financial markets.

About front running

  • It is the illegal practice of using non-public information to trade in securities (buy or sell) or derivatives (options or futures) before a substantial order is placed. This gives the front-runner an unfair advantage as they can profit from the expected price movement caused by the large order.
  • In 2022, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) amended the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 to include provisions specifically aimed at curbing front running.

Why is Front Running Illegal?

  • It undermines investor confidence in the fairness and integrity of financial markets.
  • It creates an uneven playing field, favoring those with access to privileged information over regular investors.



6.International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)

About IHO (Founded in 1921):

  • Intergovernmental organization for safe navigation and marine environment protection.
  • Ensures accurate surveying and charting of seas, oceans, and navigable waters.

Functions and Activities:

  • Survey Best Practices: Sets standards for data collection and coordinates activities of national hydrographic offices.
  • Nautical Charts: Establishes standards for essential navigational charts.
  • Hydrographic Information: Maximizes use of data for mariners, researchers, and environmentalists.
    • Promotes data quality and ocean sustainability.
  • Capacity Building: Supports expertise development in member states and fosters collaboration for standardized data products.

India and IHO:

  • Indian Naval Hydrographic Office (INHD) is the nodal agency for India (member since 1955).
  • INHD is a world-class Hydrographic Office ensuring safety in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).
  • India actively supports IHO programs (chart standards, technology, safety services).


  • Measurement and description of physical features of oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers.
  • Prediction of changes over time for navigation safety and other marine activities.
  • Scientific study and mapping of marine environments (coastlines, depths, currents).

World Hydrography Day (June 21):

  • Established by IHO in 2006 to raise awareness about hydrography.
  • 2024 Theme: “Hydrographic Information – Enhancing Safety, Efficiency, and Sustainability in Marine Activities.”
    • Reflects advancements in e-navigation, autonomous shipping, and emission reduction.

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