Daily Current Affairs

To The Point Notes


  • Eastern African Country: Kenya is a country located in East Africa, bordering Ethiopia, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, and the Indian Ocean.
  • Capital: Nairobi
  • Lakes:
  • Lake Victoria (shared with Uganda and Tanzania): One of the largest freshwater lakes in the world.
  • Lake Turkana: Largest permanent desert lake and largest alkaline lake in the world.
  • Rivers: Tana and Athi (drain into the Indian Ocean)
  • Recent News: Kenyan President rejected a tax bill that led to deadly protests.


2.Rise of Coffee Exports and European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)

Surge in Coffee Exports to Europe (as of June 21, 2024):

  • 16% increase compared to the same period in 2023 (over 2.37 lakh tonnes).
  • Driven by European buyers stockpiling coffee ahead of EUDR compliance deadline (December 30, 2024).
  • Major European destinations for Indian coffee: Italy, Germany, Belgium (over two-thirds of exports).

India’s Coffee Production:

  • 7th largest coffee producer globally (around 3% of global output in 2020).
  • 5th largest coffee exporter globally (after Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, and Indonesia).
  • Major coffee types: Arabica (higher value) and Robusta (72% of production).

Key Coffee Producing Regions in India:

  • South Indian states: Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu (80% of production).
  • Smaller production in Orissa and northeastern areas.

Coffee Board of India (Established in 1942):

  • Under Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • Headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka.
  • Market Intelligence Unit (MIU) for market research and crop forecasting.
  • Promotes coffee production, productivity, quality, export, and domestic market development.



3.Paraguay Becomes Member of International Solar Alliance

  • Paraguay became the 100th member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in June 2024.
  • India and France launched ISA during the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the UNFCCC in Paris in 2015.
  • ISA aims to achieve goals of Paris Climate Agreement through large-scale solar energy deployment.
  • 119 countries are signatories to ISA Framework Agreement (as of June 2024).



4.Cohabitation in France

Possible Return After 22 Years:

  • French National Assembly elections might lead to cohabitation, where the President and Prime Minister are from different parties.
  • This hasn’t happened in 22 years (since the Fifth Republic).

Cohabitation System:

  • President (directly elected) and Prime Minister (leader of National Assembly majority) belong to opposing parties/coalitions.
  • Prime Minister leads the government with President’s shared power.

French Fifth Republic (Since 1958):

  • Current political system with a directly elected President.
  • Prime Minister heads the government but requires National Assembly majority support.
  • Cohabitation has occurred only three times under the Fifth Republic.



5.GI Tag for Dodol 

Why GI Tag?

  • To standardize recipe and protect cultural identity of Dodol, a Goan caramel-like dessert.

About Geographical Indications (GI) Tag:

  • Label for products from a specific location with qualities linked to that place.
  • Part of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs).
  • Managed by Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act of 1999.
  • Overseen by Registrar of Geographical Indications (RGI).
  • Applies to agricultural, natural, or manufactured goods.
  • Offers legal protection for 10 years (renewable).
  • Handled by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (Ministry of Commerce and Industry).
  • Benefits: Protects against unauthorized use and promotes exports.


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