Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Coal Blending in India
GS-3 Mains  : Economy
Revision Notes

Why in News ?

  • Government directive (June 2024): Thermal power plants to continue blending imported coal with domestic coal till Oct 15 (reduced from 6% to 4% blend).
  • Aims to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply during summer.

About Coal Blending

  • Mixing different coals to achieve desired qualities for efficient combustion, emission control.
  • Used to meet India’s growing energy demand for power generation.


  • Efficiency: Blending maintains consistent heat output in power plants.
  • Supply Stability: Mitigates supply fluctuations by blending imported coal.
  • Quality Enhancement: Improves combustion efficiency and reduces emissions through blending with higher quality coal.
  • Environmental: Lowers emissions of SO2 and particulate matter by blending coals with varying ash and sulfur content.


  • Logistics: Requires robust planning for procurement, transportation, and storage of diverse coals.
  • Quality: Maintaining consistent coal quality from different sources can be difficult.
  • Regulations: Constant monitoring and adaptation needed to comply with environmental regulations.

Government’s Approach

  • Open General License (OGL): Frees coal imports for consumers.
  • Regular Reviews: Ministry of Coal reviews to expedite coal block development.
  • Mines Act Amendment (2021): Allows captive mine owners to sell surplus coal in open market.
  • Single Window Clearance: Speeds up coal mine operationalization.
  • 100% FDI in Coal Mining: Boosts commercial mining.
  • Coal India Initiatives: Expansion of existing mines, opening new mines, mechanization/modernization for increased production.


  • Coal blending is a strategic approach to optimize energy production and environmental concerns.
  • Effective blending techniques can improve power plant efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability.
  • Coal blending will play a crucial role in India’s journey towards a sustainable energy future.


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