Daily Hot Topic
Topic : 14th BRICS Trade Ministers’ Meeting

GS-3 Mains  : IR

BRICS Background

  • Emerging economies bloc: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.
  • Formed in 2006, expanded to BRICS in 2010.
  • Focuses on political, economic, and cultural cooperation.
  • Represents 41% of global population, 24% of GDP, and 16% of global trade.

Importance of BRICS

  • Economic cooperation through New Development Bank (NDB).
  • Global governance reforms to increase emerging economies’ influence.
  • Cultural and academic exchange for people-to-people ties.

BRICS Expansion

  • Six new members: Argentina, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.
  • Aims to strengthen the group and global representation.

14th BRICS Trade Ministers’ Meeting Focus

  • Strengthened multilateral trading system through WTO reforms.
  • Emphasized joint value chains and MSME cooperation.
  • Promoted SEZs for economic growth.

Multilateralism and Urgent Reforms

  • Permanent solution for Public Stock Holding.
  • Two-tier dispute settlement system in WTO.
  • WTO reforms for emerging economies.
  • ’30 for 30′ initiative for WTO improvements.
  • Resilient supply chains through decentralization and diversification.
  • Paperless trade and digitalization of trade documents.
  • Affordable emerging technologies and green transition.
  • Concerns over climate-related unilateral measures impacting trade.


  • Platform for dialogue on critical trade issues.
  • Commitment to multilateralism and equitable growth.
  • Focus on cooperation, inclusiveness, and just global development.

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