Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

GS-3 Mains  : IR

Concept of TOD

  • Planning and design strategy for sustainable urban environments.
  • Focuses on high-density, mixed-use communities centered around public transport.
  • Aims to create agglomeration effects and boost city competitiveness.

Need for National TOD Policy

  • Rapid urbanization and growing travel demand.
  • Guidelines for state and city level TOD policies.
  • Coordination among central government ministries for TOD promotion.

Significance of TOD

  • Promotes higher densities and job concentration.
  • Enhances public transport attractiveness and reduces car dependency.
  • Improves accessibility and real estate value.
  • Enhances resilience to natural hazards.

Three Values (3V) Framework

  • Connects connectivity, accessibility, place quality, and market potential.
  • Node value: station’s importance based on passenger traffic and connections.
  • Place value: area’s quality based on land use, services, and accessibility.
  • Market potential value: unrealized market value based on job opportunities, housing density, and land availability.

TOD in India

  • National TOD Policy (2017) by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
  • Smart Cities Mission emphasizes integration of land use and transport planning.
  • Delhi TOD Policy focuses on high-density, mixed-use areas around metro stations.

Challenges and Way Forward

  • Funding and financing for infrastructure development.
  • Coordination among government agencies, developers, and stakeholders.
  • Public awareness and participation in planning process.

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