The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Editorial Topic : Five Guidelines to a Dragon-Elephant Tango

 GS-2 Mains Exam : IR

Revision Notes



The ‘Five Mutuals’ framework provides a strategic blueprint for managing the complex and multifaceted relationship between China and India. It acknowledges the historical, cultural, and geopolitical realities while outlining a path for constructive engagement. The term “Dragon-Elephant Tango” metaphorically captures the challenges and opportunities inherent in this bilateral relationship.

Five Mutuals

  • Mutual Respect: Beyond acknowledging differences, this principle emphasizes the importance of avoiding patronizing attitudes or interference in each other’s internal affairs. It calls for a respectful dialogue on issues of divergence while building upon shared values and aspirations.
  • Mutual Understanding: This goes beyond empathy and support. It requires a deep-seated effort to comprehend the other’s perspective, strategic priorities, and domestic challenges. This understanding is crucial for building trust and preventing misunderstandings.
  • Mutual Trust: This is the cornerstone of any stable relationship. It involves creating mechanisms for transparent communication, confidence-building measures, and avoiding actions that could erode trust. Building mutual trust is essential for managing sensitive issues and exploring areas of cooperation.
  • Mutual Accommodation: This does not imply compromise on core interests but rather a willingness to find common ground and adjust positions where possible. It involves a spirit of compromise and a recognition that both sides need to make concessions to maintain a stable relationship.
  • Mutual Accomplishment: This goes beyond economic cooperation. It envisions a broader partnership that includes collaboration on global challenges, such as climate change, terrorism, and pandemics. It also involves leveraging each other’s strengths to create new opportunities for growth and development.

Key Points

  • Leadership Emphasis: Xi Jinping & Modi prioritize strong ties.
  • Shared History: Ancient connections, modern cooperation.
  • Common Goals: National rejuvenation, global influence.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Address differences through dialogue, cooperation.
  • Vision: Peaceful coexistence, mutual benefit, global leadership.

Implementing the Five Mutuals will require sustained political will, diplomatic finesse, and public support on both sides. Challenges such as border disputes, trade imbalances, and strategic competition will continue to test the relationship. However, the potential benefits of a stable and cooperative China-India partnership are immense for both countries and the world.


  • ‘Five Mutuals’ align with ‘Panchsheel’.
  • Strong leadership, shared wisdom essential for successful relationship.
  • Potential for global impact through united stance.




The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Editorial Topic : Weakest first

 GS-2 Mains Exam : Polity

Revision Notes



  • Creating sub-quotas for the most disadvantaged within the SC category enhances social justice.

Affirmative Action

  • Evolution of the concept: Affirmative action has moved from a basic principle of non-discrimination (formal equality) to a more nuanced approach that aims to address historical and systemic inequalities (substantive equality).
  • Reservation as a tool: Reservations for Scheduled Castes (SCs) have been reinterpreted as a means to achieve substantive equality by including marginalized groups and accommodating their specific needs.
  • SC sub-classification: The recent Supreme Court ruling allows states to divide SCs into subgroups based on levels of backwardness, providing more targeted benefits to those in greatest need.

SC Classification and Creamy Layer

  • Heterogeneity within SCs: The decision recognizes that SCs are not a monolithic group but have varying degrees of social and economic disadvantage. This allows for a more granular approach to affirmative action.
  • State flexibility: States now have the power to identify and assist the most marginalized sections within the SC community.
  • Potential for creamy layer exclusion: While not the primary focus of the case, the concept of excluding more privileged individuals (creamy layer) from SC reservations was introduced. This is similar to the policy already in place for Other Backward Classes (OBCs).
  • Nuances of creamy layer application: The court indicated that determining the creamy layer for SCs would require different criteria compared to OBCs, given the unique historical and social context of SCs.


  • Prioritizing the marginalized: The overall aim of these developments is to ensure that the most disadvantaged sections of the SC community receive the maximum benefits from affirmative action policies.
  • Complexities ahead: Implementing sub-classification and potentially a creamy layer for SCs will present challenges and require careful consideration.
  • Balancing equity and merit: The debate around affirmative action often revolves around balancing the need to correct historical injustices with the principle of meritocracy. These decisions attempt to navigate this complex terrain.

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