Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Challenges and Solutions for Public Exams in India

 GS-2 Mains Exam : Governance 

Question : Analyze the proposal for establishing the Indian Education Service (IES) to improve educational leadership and quality control in India. What are the expected benefits and potential challenges of creating such a dedicated cadre?

Current Problems:

Public examinations in India are plagued by several issues, as highlighted in a 2021 report by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education. These include:

  • State Universities: Many universities consistently struggle to conduct exams smoothly.
  • Exam Irregularities: Leaks, wrong question papers, rampant cheating, and out-of-syllabus questions are frequent occurrences.
  • Accreditation Focus: The report suggests accreditation should consider an institution’s ability to manage exams effectively.
  • Outdated Practices: The current system relies heavily on secrecy, making it vulnerable to manipulation.

The Potential of a Question Bank System:

The report proposes a question bank system as a potential solution. Here’s how it could address the challenges:

  • Reduced Leaks: A question bank containing all possible questions for the year eliminates the element of secrecy, making leaks pointless.
  • Targeted Malpractices: With questions pre-determined, professional leakers lose their market.
  • Controlled Exposure: Examining bodies can draw specific questions for each center, further reducing opportunities for cheating.
  • Deeper Understanding: Students are encouraged to grasp subjects comprehensively as specific questions aren’t known beforehand.
  • Teacher Accountability: The entire syllabus must be covered because the question bank is public knowledge.
  • Reduced Copying: Assigning different question sets per student minimizes the risk of copying.

Independent Educational Leadership:

The report goes beyond the question bank system, recognizing the need for a long-term solution: The Indian Education Service (IES).

  • Leadership Improvement: An IES would provide a dedicated cadre of qualified professionals to lead educational institutions.
  • Quality Control: The IES could introduce quality control measures across educational institutions.
  • Institutional Building: An IES could foster a culture of excellence in managing educational institutions.
  • Specialized Training: Introducing specialized courses in school, college, and university management would create a pool of well-trained leaders.

The Road Ahead:

Building trust in the education system requires transparency, fairness, and a guarantee of justice. By implementing a question bank system, exploring alternative evaluation systems, and nurturing strong leadership through the IES, India can move towards a more robust and reliable public examination system.




Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Hathras Stampede – Lessons to be Learned

 GS-2 Mains Exam : Disaster Management 

Question : Analyze the failures in safety measures and emergency response during the Hathras stampede. What steps can be taken to address these shortcomings in future events?

Incident and Accountability

  • Over 120 dead and 300 injured in stampede at religious gathering in Hathras, UP.
  • Yogi Adityanath orders probe by retired judge to fix accountability.
  • Organisers must be held responsible for crowd exceeding permitted size.
  • State administration also accountable for ensuring safety at mass events.

Preventing Mishaps at Large Gatherings

  • Authorities need to be stricter about crowd size limits.
  • Proper planning for crowd management is crucial.
  • Sufficient and accessible exits are essential for emergencies.
  • Medical facilities must be on high alert with adequate resources.

Failures in Hathras

  • Organizers did not prioritize safety measures.
  • The gathering took place in a makeshift tent on wet ground.
  • Narrow exits were blocked by vehicles, hindering evacuation.
  • Nearby hospital lacked resources and staff to handle the influx of injured.

Learning from the Tragedy

  • Large gatherings are common across India.
  • Such events are susceptible to stampede due to panic.
  • Policymakers need to develop clear safety protocols.
  • State governments must learn from their shortcomings.
  • Pan-India regulations for crowd management at large gatherings are desirable.


  • Authorities must identify lapses to prevent future stampedes.
  • State governments need to ensure safety at mass gatherings to avoid tragedies.

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