The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Editorial Topic : J&K Task Isn’t Finished

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Security

Revision Notes


  • J&K plagued by violence due to multiple factors: Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, radical Islam, Cold War politics, complex federalism, and Article 370.
  • Article 370 abrogation 5 years ago marked a significant step.

Factors Contributing to Terrorism in J&K

  • Pakistan:
    • Military dominance over politics.
    • Use of Kashmir issue to bolster military’s power.
    • Growing religious extremism.
  • Cold War:
    • Kashmir became a geopolitical pawn.
    • 13 UN resolutions favoring Pakistan.
    • US arming Afghan Mujahideen through Pakistan leading to spillover into Kashmir.
  • Radical Islam:
    • Clash between Sufi Islam of Kashmir and Wahhabi ideology.
    • Pakistan’s religious justification for Kashmir claim.
    • Radical Islam’s limited roots in Kashmir.
  • Fraught Federalism:
    • J&K’s unique relationship with Delhi due to historical factors (UN resolutions, Article 370, wars).
  • Separatist Politics:
    • Article 370 fueled soft separatism.
    • J&K became a closed society under elite control.

Pakistan’s Failed Strategy

  • Two-step plan: independence followed by annexation.
  • Financed by overcharging US for Afghan war.
  • Miscalculation of radical Islam’s global ambitions.

Way Forward

  • Terrorism persists, as evidenced by recent Jammu attacks.
  • Aggressive steps needed:
    • Empower J&K police.
    • Close UN office in Srinagar.
    • Foster new political leadership.
    • Restore statehood gradually.
    • Intensify global isolation of Pakistan.
    • Boost investment and job creation.


  • Article 370 abrogation necessary but not sufficient.
  • Focus on eliminating terrorism remains crucial.



The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Editorial Topic : Tackling Weeds for Sustainable Agriculture

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Economy

Revision Notes


  • Reducing environmental impact of rice and wheat cultivation is a priority.

Current Practices

  • Rice: Traditional method is puddling and transplanting.
    • Labor-intensive, water-intensive (up to 30 irrigations/acre).
    • Puddling creates waterlogged conditions, suppressing weeds.
  • Wheat: Involves stubble burning and multiple plowings.
    • Prepares land for sowing, but contributes to air pollution.

Weed Problem

  • Common rice weeds: jangli chawal, motha, patthar-chatta.
  • Common wheat weeds: gulli danda, bathua.
  • Existing herbicides (Pendimethalin, Bispyribac-sodium) have limited efficacy.

New Herbicide-Tolerant Crops

  • Imazethapyr-tolerant rice and wheat varieties developed.
  • Tolerate Imazethapyr herbicide, killing weeds without harming crops.
  • Part of a larger push for direct-seeded rice (DSR) and zero-tillage wheat (ZT).

Benefits of DSR and ZT

  • DSR:
    • Replaces nursery, puddling, and transplanting.
    • Saves water (about 30%), labor, and fuel.
  • ZT:
    • Eliminates stubble burning and multiple plowings.
    • Saves time, cost, and soil health.

How Imazethapyr Works

  • Targets ALS enzyme in plants, preventing amino acid synthesis.
  • Normal plants die when exposed to Imazethapyr.
  • Tolerant varieties have mutated ALS gene, unaffected by herbicide.


  • Herbicide-tolerant rice and wheat combined with DSR and ZT offer a sustainable solution.
  • Reduces water and fuel use, minimizes environmental impact.
  • Crucial for climate-smart agriculture.

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