A Crime Against Women: Witchcraft Accusations


  • Global phenomenon: Witchcraft accusations are a worldwide problem, prevalent in various forms across different cultures.
  • India’s concern: India has a significant number of cases, particularly concentrated in certain states.

Who is a Witch?

  • Gender bias: While the term “witch” is gender-neutral, it is predominantly associated with women.
  • Negative perception: The concept of witchcraft is often linked to malevolent acts.

Reasons for Accusations

  • Ignorance and superstition: Lack of education and prevailing beliefs contribute to false accusations.
  • Targeting vulnerable women: Widows and single women are often targeted for their property.

Efforts to Combat the Problem

  • State-level initiatives: Jharkhand’s “Project Garima” and Assam’s “Project Prahari” are examples of efforts to address the issue.
  • Specific legislation: Several states have enacted laws to combat witchcraft-related crimes.

Challenges and Shortcomings

  • Ineffective implementation: Low prosecution and conviction rates hinder the enforcement of laws.
  • Ambiguous legislation: Some laws lack clarity on specific offenses and penalties.

Way Forward

  • Improved data collection: NCRB should create a separate category for witchcraft-related crimes.
  • Overhauling the criminal justice system: Reforms in policing and the judicial process are essential.


  • Awareness and action: The problem of witchcraft accusations persists in India, despite the country’s progress in other areas.
  • Need for comprehensive approach: Addressing this issue requires a multi-faceted approach, including education, law enforcement, and social change.

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