Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)

 GS-3 Mains Exam 

Revision Notes

Key Points:

  • G20 Summit: DPI was a key focus in New Delhi, 2023.
  • India’s Success: Over 80% financial inclusion in 6 years.
  • Global Leadership: India aims to help countries achieve digital sovereignty, financial inclusion, and self-reliance.
  • Diverse Stakeholders: Private enterprises, government bodies, non-profits, and think tanks are involved in DPI development.

Good vs. Bad DPI:

  • Authenticity: Identifying genuine DPI solutions.
  • Harmonization: Aligning technology with societal needs.
  • India Stack: A successful example of DPI, serving over a billion citizens.

Citizen Stack:

  • Trusted Ecosystem: Based on India Stack’s success.
  • Regulatory Role: Acts as a certifier and auditor of DPIs.
  • Holistic Approach: Prioritizes security, scalability, and inclusivity.
  • Diverse Needs: Can cater to a vast population.

Five Sutras for Good DPI:

  1. Citizen Relationship: Uphold the relationship between citizens, market, and state.
  2. Empowerment and Privacy: Safeguard citizen empowerment and privacy.
  3. Prevent Monopolies: Avoid lock-in by competing monopolies.
  4. Techno-Legal Regulation: Combine public technology and law for ethical tech use.
  5. Public-Private Innovation: Promote innovation through collaboration, avoiding corporate domination.

Way Forward:

  • Trust Building: The principles of Citizen Stack are crucial for widespread adoption of DPI.
  • Global Impact: India is committed to enhancing DPI offerings for the global community.







Swachh Bharat Mission: Impact on Infant Mortality and Beyond

Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Swachh Bharat Mission: Impact on Infant Mortality and Beyond

 GS-2 Mains Exam 

Revision Notes

Key Points:

  • Reduced Infant Mortality: 11 crore toilets built under SBM averted 60,000-70,000 infant deaths annually.
  • Improved Sanitation: Open defecation is a source of water and food contamination.
  • SBM-Jal Jeevan Mission Synergy: Combined efforts can reduce child mortality, stunting, and wasting.
  • Government Successes: SBM and Jan Dhan Yojana highlight successful large-scale implementation.
  • Universal Access: Bank accounts facilitated direct subsidy transfers and digital payments.
  • Way Forward: Sustained government intervention is crucial for long-term impact.

Specific Achievements:

  • SBM: Reduced infant mortality significantly.
  • Jan Dhan: Enabled universal access to bank accounts, facilitated direct benefit transfers, and promoted digital transactions.
  • Jal Jeevan Mission: Aims to provide safe drinking water to all rural households by 2024.

Challenges and Opportunities:

  • Soil Health Card: Implementation challenges exist.
  • Jal Jeevan Mission: Effects may not be visible yet.
  • Sustained Intervention: Government needs to go beyond initial numerical targets.

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