Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Jobs in India

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Economy

Editorial highlights a complex situation regarding employment in India. While the RBI’s KLEMS database shows a positive trend with an estimated 4.67 crore new jobs created in 2023-24, there are underlying issues that require attention.

RBI’s KLEMS Database as a Tool:

  • This database provides valuable insights into the Indian economy by tracking key factors that influence productivity and growth across various sectors.
  • It allows policymakers to analyze trends and identify areas needing improvement.

Job Growth and Productivity:

  • The recent job growth is encouraging, but the lack of disaggregated data for 2023-24 makes it difficult to assess the quality of these jobs.
  • The concern lies in the fact that most new jobs are concentrated in sectors like agriculture, construction, and trade, which are typically characterized by low productivity. This means these jobs may not offer high wages or career growth opportunities.

Challenges for the Workforce:

  • The increasing number of women entering the workforce is a positive development. However, their concentration in low-productivity sectors raises concerns about their long-term economic prospects.
  • The rise of the informal sector, with millions of workers in unincorporated enterprises, further highlights the lack of formal, high-paying jobs.


  • Inadequate high-productivity job creation.
  • Weak link between GDP growth and non-farm employment.
  • Growing automation and capital intensity reducing labor demand.
  • Skill mismatch between job requirements and workforce skills.


The Need for Skill Development:

  • Automation and increasing capital intensity in production processes are reducing the demand for unskilled labor. This trend is likely to continue, making it crucial for India to invest in skill development programs.
  • Reports like the “India Employment Report 2024” emphasize the growing skill gap between job requirements and the skills possessed by the workforce. Bridging this gap is essential to ensure employability in the changing economic landscape.

Looking Ahead:

The government faces the challenge of translating economic growth into the creation of high-productivity jobs. This requires a multi-pronged approach that includes:

  • Promoting skill development programs: Equipping the workforce with relevant skills will make them more competitive in the job market.
  • Encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship: This can lead to the creation of new job opportunities in high-growth sectors.
  • Investing in infrastructure: Improved infrastructure can attract businesses and stimulate economic activity, leading to job creation.

By addressing these challenges, India can ensure that its growing workforce has access to good-quality jobs that contribute to both individual and national prosperity.




Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : The Desperate Neighbour

 GS-2 Mains Exam : IR

Recent Attacks and The Reality:

  • 7 Security personnel killed in J&K terror attacks in 2 days (June 2024).
  • Reminder that Pakistan-sponsored terror persists despite decades of struggle.
  • A section of the public and strategic community were complacent about Pakistan’s restraint on terror in recent years.
  • This complacency stemmed from Pakistan’s internal challenges and India’s muscular approach (J&K revocation).

Flawed Assumptions:

  • Pakistan’s collapse is a dangerous misconception for Indian policymakers.
  • No major power desires a collapsed Pakistan with nuclear weapons.
  • Pakistan hasn’t abandoned terrorism, just adapted it (e.g., replacing known faces).
  • Revoking J&K’s special status hasn’t ended Pakistan’s involvement in the region.
  • Pakistan’s claim on J&K predates and outlasts Article 370.
  • These attacks aim to stay relevant and disrupt J&K assembly elections.

Public Discourse Hinders Talks:

  • India’s slogan – “terror and talks cannot go together” – resonated with public anger but wasn’t a consistent policy.
  • Backchannel talks likely happened till 2017 and possibly in late 2020 (LoC ceasefire).
  • Such talks are crucial for managing complex relationships.
  • However, the “no talks with terror” stance limits India’s diplomatic options.

Pakistan’s Challenges:

  • Pakistan’s establishment maintains a hostile stance towards India.
  • Former PM Khan’s suspension of trade and demand to reverse J&K move created an impasse.
  • Political polarization makes concessions difficult for Pakistan.
  • Trade ban with India continues despite economic pressure.
  • Even conciliatory messages (e.g., PML(N)’s Sharif) lack authority.
  • Army chief’s position on talks remains unclear.

Reliance on Security Measures:

  • Closed political channels force India to rely solely on security forces.
  • Diplomatic efforts focus on isolating Pakistan (limited success) and countering its rhetoric.
  • This security-centric approach has limitations due to:
    • China-Pakistan military ties
    • Nuclear dimension
  • Pakistan’s terror attacks are likely to continue.

The Path Forward for Modi 3.0:

  • EAM Jaishankar listed tackling Pakistan’s cross-border terror as a priority.
  • Further strengthening counter-terror measures and a punitive approach are likely responses.
  • Such measures must be calibrated to avoid escalation.
  • Diplomatic efforts must continue to seek opportunities for de-escalation.
  • A calmer eastern border might benefit Pakistan facing internal and western frontier issues.


  • While necessary to counter Pakistan-sponsored terror, India’s response should avoid triggering cycles of violence.


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