The Hindu Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : LUCA: The Last Universal Common Ancestor

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Science and Technology

Revision Notes


Question : Evaluate the panspermia hypothesis that suggests life’s ingredients were delivered to Earth via meteorites. What evidence supports this theory?

The Mystery of Life’s Beginning:

  • We still don’t definitively know how life arose on Earth, but scientists believe it involved a combination of geological, climatic, and chemical processes.
  • In the 1920s, Oparin and Haldane proposed the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis, suggesting the building blocks of life formed from a “primordial soup” of chemicals under the harsh conditions of early Earth. The Miller-Urey experiment (1952) provided evidence for this by creating amino acids (protein building blocks) from inorganic molecules.
  • Another theory suggests meteorites delivered the ingredients for life from space, supported by discoveries of organic material in meteorites.

LUCA: The Universal Ancestor:

  • We may never find fossils of LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor), but the fact that all living things share certain genetic features points to a single origin.
  • The molecular clock theory helps reconstruct the “tree of life” by assuming a constant rate of mutations in genomes. By comparing these mutations and referencing known events (like fossil dates), scientists can estimate evolutionary timelines.

A New Timeline for Life:

  • Recent research using hundreds of bacterial and archaeal genomes suggests LUCA emerged much earlier than previously thought – around 4.2 billion years ago, just 300 million years after Earth formed.
  • This is nearly a billion years before the oldest fossils of life found in Western Australia (3.4 billion years old).
  • LUCA likely had a simple genome (2.5 million bases) encoding essential proteins for survival in its specific environment. Interestingly, it might have also produced metabolites that created a niche for other microbes to thrive.

LUCA’s Defenses:

  • The presence of immunity-related genes in LUCA’s estimated genetic makeup suggests it may have needed to defend itself against viruses, even at this early stage.

The Future of Life Studies:

  • Understanding LUCA’s evolution can revolutionize fields like synthetic biology, allowing us to engineer organisms for various purposes. It can also inform future endeavors to create or manage ecosystems on other planets.

This research pushes back the boundaries of life’s origin and sheds light on the tenacity of early life forms. It opens exciting possibilities for future discoveries about the history of life on Earth and beyond.



The Hindu Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Billionaire Consumption: A Debate

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Economy

Revision Notes

Question : Examine the economic impacts of billionaire consumption versus investment. Which of these is more beneficial for long-term economic growth and why?

Context: Lavish spending by billionaires like Mukesh Ambani raises questions about conspicuous consumption.

Right vs Left Perspectives:

  • Right: Billionaires have freedom to spend their money (private property). Fair markets justify their spending, even if excessive. Inequality is a policy issue, not a market flaw. Increased market access will ensure everyone has wealth.
  • Left (Marxist view): Profits exploit workers. Billionaire consumption is theft, denying workers their fair share. Inequality is inherent to capitalism, not a market flaw. Private property hides the rich-get-richer system. Billionaire consumption cannot be justified.

Economic Impact:

  • Defense: Spending boosts domestic demand, creates jobs, and helps economies like India.
  • Critique: This might be true, but investment is better than consumption for long-term growth.
  • Explanation: Investment in new machinery (sewing machines) creates jobs in both consumption sector (clothes) and future consumption due to increased productivity. Investment creates a cycle of growth.
  • Conclusion: Billionaires control investments, not working class, so investment spending by them is crucial for long-term growth.

Keynesian Social Contract in Capitalist Societies

  1. Concept of Social Contract:
    • Proposed by John Maynard Keynes.
    • Capitalist classes allowed wealth and control of production for ensuring high investment, employment, and productivity.
  2. Responsibilities of Capitalists:
    • Maintain high levels of investment.
    • Generate sufficient employment.
    • Ensure rising productivity.
    • Prevent drastic price increases to maintain real wages.
  3. Economic Welfare:
    • Linked to the share of profits invested.
    • Greater investment leads to higher economic welfare.
    • Keynesian growth theory: highest growth when all profits are invested.
    • Mainstream growth theory: highest per capita consumption when all profits are invested (Golden Rule).
  4. Conspicuous Consumption:
    • Reduces available investment.
    • Lowers economic welfare.
  5. Investment Decisions:
    • Taken privately by capitalists.
    • Risks may deter investment.
    • Lavish consumption and ceremonies are allowed in liberal societies.
  6. Impact on Working Classes:
    • Loss due to resources diverted from capital expansion.
    • Reduced employment and labor productivity growth.
    • Workers lack control over investment decisions affecting their employment and living standards.
  7. Monopoly and Real Wages:
    • Monopoly prices can reduce real wages and purchasing power.
    • Even with investment, monopoly can harm working classes.
  8. Public Policy Issues:
    • High youth unemployment.
    • Stagnant real wages.
    • Job losses in the informal sector.
    • Stark inequalities are a significant public policy problem.
  9. Keynesian Perspective:
    • Lavish consumption is problematic if investment is insufficient to provide jobs.
    • High monopoly prices curtail working-class consumption.


  • Inequalities in capitalist societies pose real public policy challenges.
  • There’s an inability and unwillingness to address these issues effectively.

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