Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : U-Win: A Boost for India’s Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP)

 GS-2 Mains Exam : Govt. Schemes

Question : Discuss the role and significance of the Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP) in India’s public health landscape. How has the introduction of digital platforms like U-Win addressed the challenges faced by UIP?


  • UIP – A success story in global public health.
  • U-Win – A digital vaccination registry to launch on August 15, 2024.

How U-Win Works:

  • Targets: 29 million pregnant women and 26 million infants annually.
  • Addresses limitations of current system:
    • Manual data collection by ASHA workers.
    • Unrecorded vaccinations in private facilities.
  • Benefits:
    • Real-time data for policymakers.
    • Improved planning and outbreak response.

Challenges in India’s UIP:

  • Progress:
    • Started with 4 vaccines (1978).
    • Now targets 12 diseases.
    • 80% coverage in 12-23 months age group (NFHS data).
  • Concerns:
    • Disruption during COVID pandemic.
    • Slight dip in DPT vaccination rates (WHO-UNICEF data).
    • Exclusion of migrant population.
    • Drop-out rates.

U-Win as a Solution:

  • Potential benefits:
    • Improved coverage among disadvantaged groups.
    • Reduced infant mortality.
    • SMS alerts and appointment booking for parents.
  • Challenge: Bridging the digital divide.

Digital Platforms in Vaccination Drive:

  • COWIN platform’s role in COVID vaccination.
  • e-VIN platform’s success in cold chain logistics (80% reduction in stock-outs).
  • U-Win poised to be world’s largest immunization registry.


  • U-Win, along with other digital tools, can strengthen India’s UIP and expand its reach.


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