Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Role of Agriculture in Achieving Viksit Bharat by 2047

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Economy

Role of Agriculture in Achieving Viksit Bharat by 2047

Historical Context

  • Pre-Independence India: Over 75% population in extreme poverty (1947).
  • Great Famine: 1.5-3 million deaths due to starvation (1943).
  • Population Explosion: Rapid population growth in 1960s posed food security challenge.
  • Green Revolution: Introduced in late 1960s, saved India from famine.

Comparison with China

  • Early Reforms: China initiated economic reforms in 1978, focusing on agriculture.
  • Higher Agri Output: China produces double the agri value than India despite less cultivated land.
  • Market Support: China provides higher market price support (PSE) to farmers than OECD countries. India’s PSE is negative.

India’s Agri Growth

  • Moderate Growth: Agri-GDP grew by 3.6% on average from 2004-05 to 2023-24.
  • Food Security Achieved: Sufficient to feed growing population (below 1% annual growth).
  • Net Exporter: India exports rice, marine products, spices, buffalo meat.
  • Import Dependence: Primarily on edible oils and pulses.

Pulse Production Challenge

  • Rising Imports: Pulse imports may reach 8-10 million tonnes by 2030 (demand: 40 million tonnes).
  • Low Resource Intensive: Pulses require less water and fertilizer.
  • Policy Recommendation: Subsidize pulse cultivation like rice to achieve self-sufficiency.
  • Environmental Benefits: Improved soil health, water conservation, reduced GHG emissions.

Way Forward: Food to Nutrition Security

  • Policy Measures: Agri-R&D, irrigation, land lease markets, value chain development.
  • Sustainable Food Security: Address challenges posed by climate change.
  • Nutrition Focus: Tackle child stunting (35% of children under 5).

Key Points

  • Agriculture is crucial for poverty alleviation and economic growth.
  • India has made progress but lags behind China in agri productivity and support.
  • Pulse production and nutrition security are major challenges.
  • Policy interventions are essential for a robust and sustainable agri sector.

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