The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Editorial Topic : Caste Enumeration and the Census

 GS-1 Mains Exam : Society

Revision Notes



  • The Indian government’s consideration of expanding data collection in the long-overdue Census to include caste enumeration has sparked significant debate.
  • While several political parties advocate for a caste census, there are concerns that this inclusion might hinder the timely completion of the Census itself.

Why a Caste Census?

  • The need for a caste census stems from the shortcomings of the previous Census conducted in 2011.
  • The 2011 Socio-Economic and Caste Census was incomplete, resulting in data that was unwieldy, inaccurate, and ultimately unusable.
  • This necessitates a well-planned and thorough census to provide reliable and actionable data.

Timeliness and Efficiency

  • To ensure the timely completion of the Census, it is crucial to establish a definite timeframe for its conduct.
  • Delaying the Census to prioritize delimitation in 2026 could have detrimental consequences for both public policy and inter-state relations.

Global Context

  • India’s delay in conducting the Census is noteworthy, as it is one of the few countries that have not done so this decade.
  • While the COVID-19 pandemic played a role in these delays, many other countries managed to conduct their Censuses during or after the pandemic.

Challenges and Roadblocks

  • Several factors have contributed to the ongoing delays in India’s Census.
  • The lapse of the administrative boundary freeze deadline, which has been extended multiple times, and the reliance on sample surveys to fill the data gap are significant hurdles.

The Importance of a Census

  • A comprehensive Census is essential for effective governance and policy-making.
  • It provides vital data for various public schemes, such as the National Food Security Act and the National Social Assistance Programme, and is crucial for the delimitation of constituencies.
  • Additionally, the Census serves as a foundation for other statistical surveys, including the National Family Health Survey, the Periodic Labour Force Survey, and the Sample Registration System.

Way Forward

  • Given the increasing obsolescence of the 2011 Census data and the evolving dynamics of Indian society, it is imperative to prioritize the conduct of a comprehensive Census.
  • The government should focus on maximizing the sample size to ensure representative data that accurately reflects the Indian economy.


  • The delay in conducting the Census in India has far-reaching implications for policy-making and societal understanding.
  • By prioritizing the timely completion of the Census and including relevant parameters such as caste enumeration, the government can address the data gaps and inform effective governance.
  • It is essential to balance the need for comprehensive data with the urgency of conducting the Census efficiently and effectively.



The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Editorial Topic : Escalatory Risks in West Asia Amid the Ongoing Conflict (2023-2024)

 GS-2 Mains Exam : IR

Revision Notes

Context & Background

  • Israel-Hezbollah Conflict: Israel’s ongoing conflict with Hezbollah, an Iran-backed Lebanese Shia militia, has intensified following Israel’s pre-emptive strike on Lebanon on August 25, 2024.
  • Initial Trigger: The conflict was triggered by Israel’s killing of senior Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut on July 31, 2024, and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran the same day.

Current Dynamics in the War Zone

  • Main Theatre – Gaza:
    • Israeli Offensive: The primary focus of Israel’s military operations has been Gaza since October 7, 2023, following a massive Hamas attack.
    • Casualties: Over 40,000 Palestinians have been killed due to relentless Israeli airstrikes.
  • Northern Front – Lebanon:
    • Hezbollah’s Retaliation: In response to Israeli attacks, Hezbollah has launched hundreds of rocket attacks towards Israel, signaling support for the Palestinian cause.
    • Israeli Response: Israel has carried out airstrikes on southern Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah operatives and infrastructure.
    • Casualties in Lebanon: Israeli strikes have resulted in significant casualties, including both Hezbollah fighters and civilians.

Key Escalations

  • August 25, 2024:
    • Israeli Pre-emptive Strike: Israel launched a pre-emptive strike on Lebanon, claiming it was to prevent a large-scale Hezbollah attack.
    • Hezbollah’s Massive Retaliation: In retaliation, Hezbollah launched over 300 katyusha rockets and drones towards Israel, resulting in the death of at least one Israeli soldier and injuring several others.
  • Statements from Leaders:
    • Hezbollah’s Position: Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s chief, claims the group achieved its objectives and indicates no intention to de-escalate unless the Gaza offensive ceases.
    • Israeli Defense Minister: Yoav Gallant mentioned that Israel does not seek a regional war, yet the ongoing military actions suggest otherwise.

International Involvement

  • U.S. Mediation: The United States is attempting to mediate a ceasefire while continuing to support Israel’s military efforts through defense supplies and diplomatic channels.
  • Hezbollah’s Stand: Despite international pressure, Hezbollah remains adamant about continuing attacks as long as the Gaza conflict persists.

Impact & Future Risks

  • Northern Israel Depopulated: Hezbollah’s continued rocket attacks have turned northern Israel into a nearly depopulated zone, indicating the severity of the ongoing conflict.
  • Israel’s Strategy & Challenges:
    • Objective in Gaza: Israel’s primary objective is to dismantle Hamas, but even Israeli Defense Forces are skeptical about the complete eradication of the group.
    • Hezbollah’s Resilience: Despite Israel’s military efforts, Hezbollah’s resilience and ongoing attacks indicate a failure to neutralize the threat.
  • Regional War Risk: The ongoing conflict, particularly with Hezbollah, increases the risk of a broader regional war, further destabilizing West Asia.


  • Military Stalemate: Israel’s strategy of bombing Hezbollah and killing its commanders has not effectively altered the dynamics on the ground, with Hezbollah continuing to launch retaliatory attacks.
  • Heightened Insecurity: While Israel aimed to secure its southern border by targeting Hamas, the escalating conflict with Hezbollah has only increased its vulnerability in the north.
  • No Easy Solutions: As long as the war in Gaza continues, the prospects for de-escalation remain slim, leaving the region on the brink of a wider conflict.

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