Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Budget 2024-25: Challenges and Fiscal Stability

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Economy

Economic Challenges

  • Global uncertainties and inflation pose significant risks to India’s economy.
  • Balancing fiscal stability with social spending and debt reduction is crucial.

Budget Overview

  • Increased Expenditure: Total budget up by Rs 3.96 lakh crore to Rs 48.21 lakh crore.
  • Interest Payments: Increased by Rs 1 lakh crore, accounting for 25% of the rise.
  • Central Sector Schemes: Increased by Rs 70,000 crore.
  • Transfers to States: Increased due to special category status for Andhra Pradesh and Bihar.
  • Fiscal Discipline: Central expenditure as a percentage of GDP declined from 15.06% to 14.77%.
  • Revenue and Debt: Gross tax revenue stagnant at 11.7% of GDP, debt-to-GDP ratio at around 56%.

Debt Reduction and Fiscal Consolidation

  • Rising Interest Burden: Interest payments at Rs 11.62 lakh crore pose a challenge.
  • Need for Fiscal Consolidation: Prioritize debt reduction over new spending.
  • Balancing Act: Excessive fiscal consolidation can harm growth and distribution.
  • Debt-to-GDP Ratio: Target of 56% in 2024-25 from a peak of 61% in 2020-21.
  • Interest Burden: Remains high despite debt reduction, hindering development spending.
  • Time-bound Debt Reduction: Essential to reduce interest burden.
  • FRBM Act Targets: Aim for 40% Union debt and 60% general government debt by March 31, 2025.

Next-Generation Reforms

  • State-Centric Reforms: Budget focuses on land, labor, capital, and technology reforms.
  • Challenges in Implementation: States have varying economic conditions and revenue needs.
  • Stamp Duty Variation: Disparity in stamp duty rates across states.
  • Limited Central Authority: States have lost fiscal autonomy post-GST.
  • Bottom-up Approach: Necessary for successful implementation of reforms.
  • Coordination with States: Crucial for achieving desired outcomes.


  • Balancing Act: Government faces challenge of managing expenditure and debt.
  • Debt Reduction Priority: Essential for long-term fiscal health.
  • State Cooperation: Crucial for successful implementation of next-generation reforms.
  • Careful Planning: Required to avoid compromising social and economic objectives.



Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Delhi Coaching Centre Tragedy: A Systemic Failure

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Disaster Management 

Tragic Incident

  • Deaths of Students: Three students trapped and died in flooded basement of a UPSC coaching center.
  • Systemic Failures: Highlights negligence and lapses in multiple areas.

Failures of Coaching Center

  • Safety Neglect: Prioritized profits over student safety.
  • Illegal Construction: Violated building by-laws with a single exit basement.
  • Trapped Students: No escape route due to locked door during flood.

Failures of Authorities

  • Regulatory Lapses: Local authorities allowed unregulated growth of coaching centers.
  • Government Incompetence: Delhi government, under pressure from internal issues, failed to address infrastructure and safety concerns.

Accountability and Reforms

  • Investigation Needed: Thorough inquiry into incident to identify responsible parties.
  • Systemic Changes: Overhaul of coaching center regulations to prioritize safety.
  • Profit vs Safety: Balancing commercial interests with student welfare.
  • Past Incidents: Similar tragedies in Surat (2019) and Mukherjee Nagar highlight ongoing issues.
  • Need for Regulation: Strong laws to govern coaching industry and ensure safety standards.

Political Blame Game

  • Post-Incident Politics: Blame shifting between AAP and BJP-LG.
  • Distraction from Real Issues: Focus diverted from core governance problems.
  • High Court Intervention: Underlines government’s failure in basic civic duties.


  • Urgent Investigation: Necessary to bring justice to victims’ families.
  • Systemic Overhaul: Required to prevent future tragedies.
  • Prioritize Safety: Coaching centers must prioritize student safety over profits.
  • Effective Governance: Strong and accountable government essential for public safety.


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