The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Editorial Topic : India’s Open Ecosystems Facing Unusual Threat: Encroaching Trees

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Environment

Revision Notes


A study published on June 5 in Global Change Biology reveals that increasing tree cover in open ecosystems, such as savannahs and grasslands, is significantly reducing the populations of native grassland birds.

Importance and Current Threats to Grasslands and Savannahs

  • Biodiversity: Grasslands and savannahs are home to numerous endemic and at-risk species, including megaherbivores like elephants and rhinoceroses, and birds such as bustards and floricans.
  • Global Coverage: These ecosystems cover nearly 40% of the Earth’s landmass.
  • Threatening Activities: Grasslands are threatened by conversion to agriculture, erosion, large-scale development projects, and overgrazing.
  • Unusual Threat: Woody encroachment, the increase in tree and shrub cover, is also a significant threat.

Understanding Woody Encroachment

  • Definition: Conversion of open habitats into areas with dense tree and shrub cover.
  • Impact: Leads to ecosystem homogenization, reducing diverse habitats to uniform woody areas.
  • Maintenance: Typically maintained by disturbance regimes like grazing and fire, which limit tree growth. Disruption of these regimes allows trees to proliferate.

Effects of Climate Change

  • CO2 Levels: Higher atmospheric CO2 promotes the growth of deep-rooted woody plants.
  • Photosynthesis: Trees using the C3 photosynthetic pathway benefit from increased CO2.
  • Suppression of Grasses: Dominant trees suppress grass growth through shading and reduced fire occurrences.
  • Global Spread: Various drivers of encroachment include fire suppression in South America and CO2 variations in Australia and Africa.

Indian Grasslands: Challenges and Changes

  • Diverse Regions: Indian grasslands vary from arid regions in the west to floodplains in the Himalayas and high-altitude Shola grasslands in the Western Ghats.
  • Threatened Habitats: Iconic species in the Himalayan foothills, such as the Indian one-horned rhinoceros, face habitat loss due to fragmentation.
  • Protected Areas: Despite protection, grassland habitats have decreased by 34%, while tree cover increased by 8.7%.

Human Influence and Historical Context

  • Colonial Policies: Colonial conservation policies regarded open ecosystems as “wastelands,” leading to their conversion for plantations and criminalization of traditional grazing and fire management practices.
  • Ecological Changes: Woody encroachment alters soil conditions and increases predation on specialist birds and rodents, as seen in the Banni grasslands of Kutch.

Invasion by Trees and Plantation Programs

  • Large-Scale Plantations: Programs like the planting of Prosopis juliflora in the Banni grasslands and eucalyptus in the Shola grasslands have led to significant ecological changes.
  • Invasive Species: Prosopis juliflora and the Malabar silk-cotton tree have transformed large swaths of grasslands.

Way Forward

  • Ecological Monitoring: Long-term monitoring of open ecosystems is crucial for understanding and combating woody encroachment.
  • Policy Changes: Scientific research is necessary before implementing policies, and colonial terminologies like “wastelands” should be dismantled to prevent misclassification and mismanagement of open ecosystems.

By addressing these issues with informed policies and scientific research, we can protect India’s valuable open ecosystems from the encroachment of trees and preserve their unique biodiversity.



The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Editorial Topic : How Heat Affects Medicines and Those Taking Them

 GS-2 Mains Exam : Health

Revision Notes


With the world recently experiencing its hottest day on record, the impacts of prolonged heat waves due to climate change have become a pressing concern. These extreme temperatures can significantly affect medications and their efficacy, posing risks to individuals relying on them.

Impact of Heat on Medications

  • Increased Sensitivity to Heat: Many medications can heighten a patient’s sensitivity to heat by impairing the body’s natural responses, such as sweating and blood flow regulation. Sweating is a critical mechanism for cooling the body, and its impairment can lead to dangerously high body temperatures.
  • Risk of Deterioration: High temperatures can cause nearly all forms of medication, including capsules, tablets, sprays, and syrups, to deteriorate if not stored within recommended temperature ranges. The extent of this deterioration can vary based on the individual’s health, medication dosage, and environmental conditions.

Medications That Heighten Heat Sensitivity

  • Blood Pressure and Heart Failure Medications:
    • ACE Inhibitors: These can suppress thirst, increasing the risk of dehydration.
    • Calcium Channel Blockers: These can cause mineral imbalances, making temperature regulation difficult.
    • Beta Blockers: These can inhibit sweating, hindering the body’s ability to cool down.
    • Diuretics: Also known as water pills, these can lead to dehydration and mineral imbalances.
  • Allergy Medications:
    • Antihistamines: Certain over-the-counter antihistamines can reduce sweating and impair the body’s ability to regulate temperature.
  • Psychiatric Medications:
    • Antipsychotics: Some antipsychotic drugs can limit the ability to sweat.
    • Antidepressants: These can either increase sweating or suppress thirst.
    • Stimulants: Drugs like amphetamines can raise body temperature by affecting the central nervous system.
  • Thyroid Medications:
    • Thyroid Hormone Pills: These can increase body temperature, impair temperature regulation, and cause excessive sweating.

Safe Storage Temperatures

  • Temperature Sensitivity: Both extreme heat and cold can significantly alter the effectiveness of both prescription and over-the-counter drugs. While some medications can withstand temperatures up to 30°C, most should be stored in a cool, dry place between 15°C and 25°C, away from direct sunlight.
  • Storage Guidelines: For specific storage requirements, it is advisable to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines available on their websites.


Predicting the exact extent of medication degradation in extreme temperatures is challenging due to the variability among different drugs. However, it is crucial to avoid leaving medications in hot environments, such as cars or mailboxes, for extended periods to ensure their efficacy and safety.

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