Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Draft Digital Competition Bill
GS-2 Mains  : Polity


  • Committee on Digital Competition Law (CDCL) (March 2024) proposed a new framework to address limitations of the Competition Act, 2002 in the digital age.
  • Draft Digital Competition Bill emerges from this proposal.

Current Framework vs. Proposed Framework

  • Current (Ex-Post): Competition Commission of India (CCI) can only act after anti-competitive behavior occurs (reactive).
    • Seen as slow and allows time for harm before intervention.
  • Proposed (Ex-Ante): Enables CCI to proactively prevent anti-competitive behavior.
    • Inspired by the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA).

Key Features of the Bill

  • Quantitative Dominance Standards: Defines dominance based on “significant financial strength” for clear identification.
  • Preventative Obligations: Introduces new rules to address digital market specificities, allowing for timely intervention.

Unique Challenges of Digital Markets

  • Economies of Scale & Scope: Digital companies benefit from rapid cost reduction, leading to faster growth and potential dominance.
  • Network Effects: Value of services increases with more users, tipping markets in favor of established players.

Concerns and Implications

  • Data Privacy: Stricter regulations might impact how companies handle user data.
  • Competitive Landscape: Stringent rules could stifle innovation and hinder business operations.
  • Compliance Burdens: Companies might face challenges complying with new regulations.
  • Consumer Choice: Overly restrictive measures could limit consumer options.


  • The Draft Digital Competition Bill has the potential to significantly alter India’s competition law landscape and promote a fairer digital marketplace.

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