Daily Hot Topic
Topic : AUKUS New Deal

GS-2 Mains  : IR



  • Australia signs deal to exchange nuclear secrets and material with US and UK.
  • Key step towards nuclear-powered submarines for Australian navy.

About the Deal

  • Purpose: Transfer of sensitive US and UK nuclear material and know-how as part of AUKUS.
  • Duration: Until Dec 31, 2075, with one-year exit notice for any party.
  • Material Transfer: Complete, welded power units for naval propulsion only.
  • Breach or Termination: Remaining countries can demand return or destruction of exchanged items.
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation: US and UK can cease cooperation if Australia breaches NPT or detonates a nuclear device.
  • Liability: Australia responsible for nuclear safety risks, indemnifies US and UK.
  • Additional Commitments: Non-legally binding document, no obligation for Australia to participate in US-led military actions.


  • Tripartite defense and security partnership: Australia, UK, US.
  • Established: 2021 to bolster deterrence and defense in Indo-Pacific.
  • Pillars:
    • Pillar 1: Acquiring nuclear-powered submarines for Australian navy.
    • Pillar 2: Cooperation in AI, quantum tech, innovation, information sharing, cyber, undersea, hypersonic, and electronic warfare.


  • Increasing Chinese presence: Concerns over peace, stability, and freedom of navigation in Indo-Pacific.
  • Technological cooperation: Enhance defense and security tech.
  • Alliance strengthening: Deepen security ties between Australia, UK, US.
  • Response to regional dynamics: Counterbalance China’s influence.

Way Ahead

  • Achieving objectives will take years, decades for Pillar 1.
  • Immediate promise in technological innovation and R&D.
  • Strengthen defense ties and deepen presence in Indo-Pacific.

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