Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Electronics: Powering India’s Participation in Global Value Chains (GVCs)

GS-3 Mains  : Economy

Global Value Chains (GVCs) in Electronics

  • International division of labor for electronics production.
  • Global market: US$ 4.3 trillion.
  • Key Players: China (60% share), Taiwan, USA, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Mexico, Malaysia.

India’s Electronics Sector

  • Current Value (FY23): US$ 155 billion
    • Finished Goods: US$ 86 billion
    • Components: US$ 15 billion
  • Growth Driver: Mobile Phones (43% of production)
  • Export Target (FY26): US$ 120 billion
  • Recent Growth (May 2024): 22.97%

Government Initiatives

  • Scheme for Semiconductor Fabs: Attract investment for domestic chip manufacturing.
  • Make in India & Digital India: Boost domestic manufacturing and attract FDI.
  • Design Linked Incentive (DLI) Scheme: Encourage chip design and manufacturing.
  • 100% FDI allowed (automatic route) for electronics sector (except defense electronics).


  • Market Competition: Dominated by China, Taiwan, etc. (India’s share < 1%).
  • Technical Skills Shortage: Lack of trained personnel for advanced processes.
  • Capital Intensive Industry: High investment, risk, and long payback periods.
  • Import Reliance: Vulnerable to supply chain disruptions (especially semiconductors).
  • Limited Design & Component Manufacturing Capabilities.

Way Ahead

  • Target: US$ 500 billion in electronics manufacturing by 2030.
  • Strategies:
    • Localize high-tech components.
    • Strengthen design capabilities (R&D).
    • Forge partnerships with global leaders.
  • Action Areas:
    • Promote component & capital goods manufacturing.
    • Incentivize R&D and Design.
    • Rationalize tariffs.
    • Invest in skill development.
    • Facilitate technology transfers.
    • Develop infrastructure.


India has the potential to become a global leader in electronics manufacturing. By addressing challenges and seizing opportunities, India can transform this sector into a driver of economic growth and job creation.



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