Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Electronics Manufacturing in India

GS-3 Mains  : Economy

  • Production: $115 billion (FY24), nearly quadrupled in the past decade.
  • Growth Projection (BAU): $278 billion by 2029-30, including $253 billion from finished goods and $25 billion from components.
  • Employment Generation (BAU): 3.4 million by 2029-30.
  • Global Market Share: 4%.
  • Target: $500 billion in electronics manufacturing by 2030.
  • Jobs created by $500 billion target: 6 million.
  • Current Reliance on Smartphone Imports: 1%.
  • Global Electronics Market Value: $4.5 trillion (currently), projected to reach $6.1 trillion by 2030.
  • FDI in Electronics Manufacturing: 100% allowed under automatic route.

Government Initiatives

  • National Policy on Electronics (NPE) 2019: Aims to make India a global hub for Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM).
    • Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme: Offers incentives for large-scale electronics manufacturing.
    • SPECS: Focused on strengthening the component ecosystem.
    • Modified Electronics Manufacturing Clusters Scheme (EMC 2.0): Aims to develop electronics manufacturing clusters across India.

Policy Interventions Needed

  • Promote components and capital goods manufacturing.
  • Incentivize research and development in electronics.
  • Rationalize tariffs to boost local manufacturing.
  • Develop skilled workforce through skilling initiatives.
  • Facilitate technology transfers through collaboration with global players.
  • Invest in robust infrastructure development.


  • Reduce dependency on imports and enhance domestic value addition.
  • Strengthen design capabilities through R&D investments.
  • Bridge the gap between domestic demand and supply of capital goods.
  • Improve export competitiveness through innovation and R&D.

Way Forward

  • Establish a dedicated center with a significant corpus (₹1,000 crore) focused on innovation in capital goods.
  • Invest in nurturing talent, fostering collaboration, and R&D to elevate India’s capital goods industry.


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