Daily Hot Topic
Topic : India’s Textile Sector

GS-3 Mains  : Economy

Key Facts and Figures:

  • Share in Domestic Trade:
    • Contributes 2.3% to GDP
    • 13% to industrial production
    • 12% to exports
  • Share in Global Trade: 4%
  • Rank: World’s 3rd largest exporter of Textiles and Apparel
  • Employment:
    • Direct employment for 45 million people
    • 100 million people in allied sectors
  • Top Textile & Clothing Manufacturing States: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Haryana, Jharkhand, Gujarat


  • Expensive Raw Material:
    • Quality Control Orders complicate import of essential materials.
    • Forces use of expensive domestic supplies, making garments uncompetitive globally.
  • Cotton Price Fluctuations: Impact production cost for textile manufacturers.
  • Imports from Bangladesh:
    • Duty-free access to Indian market makes Bangladeshi garments 15-20% cheaper.
    • Leads to job losses in cotton, spinning, and processing segments in India.
  • Competition in International Market:
    • Higher labour costs in India compared to Bangladesh.
    • Garment exports from Vietnam and Bangladesh have grown significantly (Vietnam by 82%, Bangladesh by 70%) compared to India (stagnant).
  • Infrastructure Constraints:
    • Inadequate transportation systems, power shortages, and outdated technology hinder efficiency.
  • Technology Upgradation: Many textile units use outdated machinery and technology.

Government Initiatives:

  • Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS) (2016): Provides credit linked capital investment subsidy for modernisation.
  • Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector (SAMARTH): Addresses skilled manpower requirement.
  • National Technical Textile Mission (2020-24): Promotes usage of technical textiles.
  • Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme: Promotes production of specific textile products.
  • PM-MITRA: Boosts employment through setting up mega textile parks with world-class infrastructure.
  • Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP): Provides infrastructure support for textile industry clusters.
  • Integrated Skill Development Scheme (ISDS): Provides training to workers and enhances employability.

Way Ahead:

  • Industry needs urgent policy intervention at Central and State levels.
  • Encourage purchase of Indian garments through initiatives like ‘Make in India’ campaign.
  • Divert import orders to local manufacturers to bolster production.

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