Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Genetically Modified Mustard in India 

GS-3 Mains  : Economy

The Supreme Court of India recently delivered a split verdict on the government’s approval for the environmental release of a genetically modified (GM) mustard variety, DMH-11. This decision has reignited the debate surrounding GM crops in the country.

What are GM Crops?

GM crops are plants that have undergone genetic engineering to possess desired traits. This can involve introducing genes from other organisms or modifying existing genes within the plant itself. Common goals of genetic modification include:

  • Pest and herbicide resistance: This can lead to reduced reliance on chemical pesticides and herbicides, potentially lowering costs and environmental impact.
  • Improved yield: Crops can be engineered to produce more food per unit of land.
  • Enhanced nutritional value: Vitamins, minerals, or other beneficial nutrients can be introduced or increased.
  • Stress tolerance: Crops can be modified to withstand harsh environmental conditions like drought, flood, or salinity.

The Case of GM Mustard in India

In 2022, the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), India’s regulatory body for GM organisms, approved the environmental release of DMH-11 mustard. This decision was challenged by activists and NGOs concerned about the potential risks of GM crops. The Supreme Court’s split verdict has put the release of DMH-11 on hold for now, while calling for the formulation of a comprehensive national policy on GM crops.

Arguments For and Against GM Crops

Proponents of GM crops believe they can play a significant role in ensuring food security, sustainability, and higher productivity in agriculture. They argue that GM crops can help:

  • Meet the growing demand for food as the population increases.
  • Reduce reliance on chemical inputs, leading to a more eco-friendly agricultural system.
  • Improve the nutritional profile of food crops.

Opponents of GM crops raise concerns about potential risks, including:

  • Unforeseen consequences: The long-term effects of consuming GM crops on human health and the environment are not fully understood.
  • Impact on biodiversity: GM crops with built-in pest resistance could harm beneficial insects or disrupt ecological balances.
  • Antibiotic resistance: Some GM crops incorporate genes for antibiotic resistance, raising concerns about the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • Corporate control: Increased reliance on GM seeds from large corporations could leave farmers vulnerable to exploitation.

The Path Forward

The Supreme Court’s decision to call for a national policy on GM crops presents an opportunity for India to establish a clear framework for the research, development, and deployment of this technology. This policy should address public concerns by ensuring robust safety testing, transparent labeling, and measures to protect biodiversity and farmer livelihoods.

A well-defined national policy can help India harness the potential benefits of GM crops while mitigating potential risks. This could pave the way for a more secure, sustainable, and productive agricultural future.


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