Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Global Hunger Crisis

GS-2 Mains  : Health

Key Points

  • SOFI Report 2023: Released by 5 UN agencies.
  • Global Hunger: 733 million people faced hunger in 2023 (1 in 11). Projected to rise to 582 million by 2030, with Africa bearing the brunt.
  • Regional Variations:
    • Africa: Hunger rising, 20.4% population affected.
    • Asia: Stable at 8.1% but still a major concern.
    • Latin America: Progressing, hunger at 6.2%.
  • Urbanization: Reshaping food systems, impacting availability and affordability of healthy diets.
  • Setback in Progress: 15-year setback in fighting hunger, levels similar to 2008-2009.
  • COVID-19 Impact: Exacerbated hunger crisis, hindering progress towards SDG 2: Zero Hunger by 2030.
  • Food Insecurity: 2.33 billion faced moderate or severe food insecurity in 2023, with 864 million experiencing severe food insecurity. Africa worst affected.
  • Child Malnutrition: 8 million children under 5 at risk of death due to severe wasting in 15 crisis-hit countries.

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

  • Aim: Ensure access to safe, nutritious food for all.
  • Progress: Far off track, with 2.4 billion people facing moderate or severe food insecurity in 2022.
  • Positive Trend: Child stunting declining, but efforts need acceleration.

Dimensions of Food Security

  • Availability: Food production, imports, and stockpiles. India self-sufficient in food grains.
  • Accessibility: Distribution networks, affordability, transportation.
  • Affordability: Ability to purchase food, linked to poverty eradication.

India’s Hunger Situation

  • Significant burden of malnutrition.
  • Millions of children severely nutrition insecure.
  • Soaring food prices worsening situation.
  • Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2023: India ranked 111/125, categorized as ‘serious’ hunger.
  • Indicators for GHI: Undernourishment, child stunting, child wasting, child mortality.

Government Initiatives

  • Positive trends in child malnutrition due to programs like ICDS and mid-day meal.
  • Natural calamities impact food security, leading to shortages and price hikes.
  • Targeted Public Distribution System, National Nutrition Mission, National Food Security Act, and emergency COVID-19 assistance.

Way Forward

  • Nutrition education.
  • Agricultural reforms.
  • Strengthening social safety nets.
  • Reducing food waste.
  • Community participation.


  • Zero Hunger requires global, national, and local efforts.
  • India must prioritize food security as a fundamental right.


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