Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Impact of Oil Spills on Environment

GS-3 Mains  : Environment


  • Recent oil spill: Typhoon Gaemi caused an oil tanker to sink in Manila Bay.

Oil Spills

  • Definition: Release of crude oil or refined petroleum products into the environment.
  • Causes: Transportation accidents, offshore drilling, tanker mishaps.
  • Types: Major incidents (large-scale, long-term impact) and minor spills (routine operations).

Global Incidents

  • Major spills: Venezuela, Japan, Russia, Santa Barbara, India (Chennai, Sundarbans, Mumbai, ONGC Uran).

Environmental Impact

  • Marine life:
    • Physical damage: Oil coats water surface, blocking sunlight, affecting marine plants.
    • Chemical harm: Toxic components harm fish, shellfish, and accumulate in the food chain.
    • Wildlife impact: Kills birds and mammals through poisoning, suffocation, and loss of buoyancy.
  • Coastal and marine environments:
    • Slow recovery: Decades for ecosystems to recover.
    • Mangrove and wetland damage: Impacts biodiversity.
  • Economic impact:
    • Fisheries: Disrupted activities, economic losses.
    • Tourism: Reduced due to contaminated areas.

Addressing Oil Spills

  • Prevention: Strict regulations, improved safety protocols.
  • Response and cleanup: Containment, recovery, dispersants, natural degradation.
  • Control measures: Bioremediation (using bacteria), oil booms, dispersants.

Global Efforts

  • International conventions: MARPOL, Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response, and Cooperation.
  • UN Environment Programme (UNEP): Awareness, capacity building, best practices.
  • OECD: Tracks recovery measures, promotes green recovery.
  • IEA: Emphasizes clean energy transition.

Indian Efforts

  • National Oil Spill Disaster Contingency Plan (NOS-DCP): Effective reporting, response, and protection.
  • Merchant Shipping Act, 1958: Powers to regulate ships.
  • Indian Coast Guard: Central coordinating authority for oil spill response.
  • NATPOLREX: National-level pollution response exercise.


  • Oil spills pose a significant environmental challenge.
  • Prevention, effective response, and sustainable energy are crucial for mitigation.

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