13th August 2019 – Daily Current Affairs MCQ ( Answer) – Based on The Hindu Newspaper 

Q-1 Consider the following statements

  1. Kaladan Multimodal Transit project will help connect Northeast of India with Bhutan and as well as with West Bengal.
  2. Citing ‘sovereignty’ concerns, India did not participate in the BRF, as CPEC – a flagship of the BRI under China, passes through Aksai Chin.

Which of the following statements are correct?

A-Only 1

B-Only 2


D-Neither 1 nor 2


Solution – D

Statement 1 is wrong- Kaladan Mutlimodal Transit Project will help connect Northeast and West Bengal of India with Myanmar.

Statement 2 is wrong – the sovereignty concern over CPEC is over its crossing the Pakistan occupied Kashmir area.



Q-2 Consider the following statements regarding Organization and its Headquarters

          Organization                                                  Headquarters

         1.IUCN                                                                New York

         2.World Economic Forum                               Geneva

  1. FAO London

         4.UN Women                                                      Paris

Which of the following options given above are incorrect?





 Solution –  C

H.Q of following –

IUCN – Gland,  Switzerland

FAO – Rome

UN Women – New York


Q-3 Consider the following statements regarding National park and its state location

      National Park                                                                                          States

  1. Gir Forest National Park                                                                    Gujarat
  2. Guindy National Park                                                                         Andhra Pradesh
  3. Indravati National Park                                                                      Maharashtra
  4. Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park                                            Gujarat

Which of the following are correct?

A-Only 1

B-2 and 3

C-All of the them


 Solution – A

Guindy National Park – Tamil Nadu

Indravati National Park – Chhattisgarh

 Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park – Andaman and Nicobar Island


Q-4 Consider the following statements statements regarding Ayushman Bharat

  1. Ayushman Bharat Diwas is to be observed every year on 30TH September   
  2. Ayushman Mitra will be employed to help beneficiaries and patients to co ordinate with the hospital. The nodal agencies employing them are – Ministry of Skill development and Entrepreneurship and Ministry of Health and Family welfare.

Which of the following statement are correct?

A-Only 2

B-Only 1

C-Both of them are correct

D-Neither 1 nor 2

Solution – A

Statement 1 is incorrect – Ayushman Bharat will be observed on 30th April and not September.


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