15th August 2019 – DAILY Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC IAS Exam ( Arora IAS)



1.Consider the following statements about special safeguards mechanism (SSM) under the WTO:

1.SSM allows member countries of the WTO to designate agricultural products that are important from the point of view of rural development, livelihood security, and food security needs.

2.The agricultural products designated under SSM are eligible for flexible tariff structure.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

A-1 only

B-2 only

C-Both 1 and 2

D-Neither 1 and 2



2. The Economic Survey 2017 had recommended establishment of Public Asset Rehabilitation Agency. What was the proposed function of the agency?

A-The Agency will sell assets of loss making PSUs.

B-The Agency will collect the payments due towards Electricity Boards.

C-The Agency will guide and chart out the path for loss making PSUs

D-The Agency will take over the Non Performing assets of the banks.



3. Consider the following statements about World Trade Organization-

1.The Hong Kong Ministerial Conference added the Peace Clause which enabled Developing countries to have increased public stock holding of food grains.

2.India ratified WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement becoming the 76th WTO member to accept the TFA

3.10th WTO Ministerial Conference concluded at Nairobi, Kenya in 2015 aimed at adopting the Nairobi Package for the Developing countries of the WTO

4.Nairobi Ministerial Conference 2015 was the 1st time a meeting of WTO at ministerial level was held in Africa.

Which of the above statements are correct?

A-All of the Above

B-Only 4

C-Only 4 and 2




4.Consider the following statements regarding Major mountain passes and its regions linked

      Major Mountain Passes                                    Regions linked

      1.Parpik Pass                                                   Kashmir and China

  1. Aghil Pass                                                    Ladakh and Xinjiang, China

      3  Chang La                                                      Ladakh And Tibet

  1. Shipki La                                                       Uttarakhand and Tibet

Which of the following matches are correct?


B-None of the above

C-Only 4

D-3 and 4



5. Rajarani Temple of Odisha is a master piece of Indian Architecture. Consider the following statement in its regards-

  1. It is located at Berhampur
  2. The temple is dedicated to sister of Lord Jagannath.
  3. The Khajuraho Temples have a similar architecture to it.

Which of the following statements are correct?

A-All of the above

B-Only 3

C-1 and 3

D-Only 2




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