1.Consider following statements-

A-Subhash Chandra Bose supported Gandhi’s decision to stop NCM after Chauri Chaura.

B-Bose was defeated by Gandhi’s candidate P.Sitaramayya at Haripur session.

C-Both of them are correct

D-Neither of them is correct

Solution-   D

Statement 1- When Gandhi stopped Non-Cooperation movement (NCM) after Chauri-Chaura incident, Bose called it a “National Calamity”

Statement 2- Bose was the President of Congress session at Haripur in 1938



2.Who among the following were closely associated with Bose?

1-Captain Laxmi Sehgal

2-Captain Mohan

3-Chittaranjan Das

4-Muthuramalinga Thevar

Which below statement are correct ?

A-Only 1 and 2

B-Only 1, 2 and 3

C-Only 1, 2 and 4

D-All of them

Solution – D

Captain Mohan formed Indian National Army (INA) with the help of Japanese, at Singapore in 1942. Bose revives Azad Hind Fauj (INA), with recruitment of 60,000 Indians from Burma, Malaya and other Southeast Asian countries in 1943. Captain Laxmi Sehgal commanded the ‘Rani Jhansi Regiment’ in 1944. Upon Gandhi’s advice, Bose worked under mentorship of Chittaranjan Das, Participated in NCM and Khilafat and got arrested during the 1920s. Muthuramalinga Thevar had left Congress to create Forward bloc, along with Subhash Chandra Bose.


3.Consider the Following statements on Azerbaijan-

  1. The countries which surround Azerbaijan are – Iran, Iraq, Russia and Georgia.
  2. The Country borders the Caspian Sea.
  3. Azerbaijan’s chief natural resources include natural gas, petroleum, nonferrous metals and bauxite and iron ore.
  4. India and Azerbaijan are a part North South Transport Corridor and they are constructing Gazvin-Rasht-Astara (Iran) – Astara (Azerbaijan) railway route as part of the North-South Transport Corridor.

Which of the Following Statements are Correct?

A-All of the Above.




Solution – B

Statement 1 is incorrect- Countries surrounding Azerbaijan are – Georgia, Iran, Russia and Turkey.



4.Consider the following statements-

1 Over 120 national delegations participating in the Conference adopted the “Moscow Declaration to End TB” on November, 2018

2  The meeting was on the sidelines of the first WTO Global Ministerial Conference.

3 India is one among the signatories of the Moscow Declaration as TB is one of the leading reasons for death.

Which of the following are correct?

A- all of the above           

B- Only 3              

C- Only 1                

D- Both are incorrect 

Solution –D

Statement 1 is not correct –   The Moscow Declaration was held in 2017

Statement 2 is not correct – The meeting was held in the sidelines of the first WHO global ministerial conference.



5.Consider the following statements and choose which is correct ?

A- In February 2018 Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited UAE as Chief Guest at the World Government Summit.

B-Prime Minister Modi received the Order of Zayed, the highest civil decoration of the UAE which was conferred earlier in April 2019 in recognition of the distinguished leadership of Prime Minister Modi for giving a big boost to bilateral relations between the two countries.

C- Both of them are correct

D- Neither of the above

Solution –C



6.Consider the following Statement 

  1. Strait of Gibraltar separates Europe from Africa
  2. Strait of Babel Mandel connects Red sea with Gulf of Aden.

Which of the following are true?

A- Both are Correct

B-Only 1

C-Only 2

D- None of the above 

Solution –A


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