The Hindu Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : ISRO’s Launch Vehicle Conundrum

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Science and Technology

Revision Notes

Question : Analyze the impact of shifting from a supply-driven to a demand-driven model on ISRO’s operations and its implications for the Indian space sector.


In June, S. Somanath, Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and Secretary of the Department of Space, stated that ISRO’s launch vehicle capacity exceeds current demand by three times.

The Problem: ISRO, India’s space agency, has excess launch vehicle capacity compared to the available satellites for launch.

Launch Vehicles: India boasts a variety of rockets – SSLV, PSLV, GSLV, and LVM-3 – capable of handling satellites up to 4 tonnes for geosynchronous orbit.

Demand-Driven Model: A recent shift from supply-driven (ISRO builds & launches, then seeks customers) to demand-driven model (launch based on pre-existing demand) has created a gap.

Educating the Market: ISRO needs to cultivate a spacefaring customer base – companies, government agencies, individuals – across diverse sectors like internet, agriculture, banking, and potentially, space tourism.


  • Educating a vast audience about the benefits of space-based services.
  • Creating demand for space internet amidst established options like fiber and mobile data.
  • Potential future demand from human spaceflight needs to be addressed.


ISRO Launch Capability Limitations

  • Current limitations: India’s rockets can’t handle missions like Chandrayaan 4 due to insufficient payload capacity. (e.g., LVM-3 is only 28% as capable as China’s Long March 5)
  • Planned upgrades:
    • Upgrading LVM-3 with a semi-cryogenic engine to boost payload to 6 tonnes (GTO).
    • Developing Next Generation Launch Vehicle (NGLV/Project Soorya) to carry 10 tonnes (GTO).
    • Achieving successful SSLV flights to launch smaller satellites (encouraging private companies to build larger ones).

Launch Vehicle Economics

  • Demand challenges:
    • Heavier rockets cater to national goals (lunar exploration, space station) but have limited launch frequency.
    • Satellite lifetimes are increasing (thanks to software/hardware upgrades), reducing replacement demand.
  • Launch vehicle improvements:
    • PSLV can deliver multiple satellites in different orbits in a single launch.
    • Reusable launch vehicles (like ISRO’s Reusable Launch Vehicle) can bring down launch costs.
    • Efforts are underway to replace toxic rocket fuels with greener alternatives.

Private Sector vs Government

  • Government’s vision:
    • Private sector to create customer demand, build & launch satellites.
    • Offer space-based services in India & abroad.
    • Generate revenue through launch services.
    • Upskill workforce and create jobs.
  • Private sector’s concerns:
    • Prefers government as a customer, not a competitor in launch services.
    • Needs clear regulations and rule of law for business growth.


  • The Indian government is absorbing the cost of transitioning from a supply-driven to demand-driven model.
  • However, it hasn’t yet educated its own ministries to create internal demand for satellites and launch vehicles.




The Hindu Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : 100 years of EEG: how does it work and what is its significance?

 GS-2 Mains Exam : Health

Revision Notes

Question : Discuss the historical development of Electroencephalography (EEG) and its impact on the field of neuroscience.

About EEG:

Imagine a device that lets you listen to the electrical chatter of your brain cells! That’s essentially what EEG (Electroencephalography) does. Developed by Hans Berger in 1924, it’s a non-invasive technique that measures the electrical activity generated by billions of neurons firing in the brain.

Neurons in Action:

Think of neurons as tiny messengers in your brain. They communicate by sending electrical impulses. When a large group of neurons fire simultaneously, it creates a wave of electrical activity that EEG can detect.

Placing the Electrodes:

During an EEG test, a technician places electrodes (small metal discs) on your scalp at specific locations. These electrodes act like tiny microphones, picking up the electrical whispers from your brain.

Volume Conduction:

The brain is encased in layers of skull, fluid, and tissue. These layers act like a conductor, spreading the electrical signals before they reach the electrodes. This “volume conduction” makes it difficult to pinpoint the exact source of the activity within the brain. However, it also provides valuable information about the overall electrical patterns in different brain regions.

From Raw Data to Insights:

The electrical signals picked up by the electrodes are faint and need processing. Imagine a messy orchestra performance. EEG data processing helps remove background noise from muscles and eyes, allowing doctors to focus on the brain’s specific rhythms.


The processed EEG data reveals patterns of electrical activity called brainwaves. These waves have different frequencies and amplitudes, each associated with different brain states. For example, alpha waves are dominant when you’re relaxed, while beta waves become more prominent during concentration.

EEG in Action:

By analyzing brainwaves, EEG helps diagnose various neurological conditions. Here are some key applications:

  • Epilepsy: The abnormal electrical discharges characteristic of seizures are easily identifiable on EEG.
  • Sleep Disorders: EEG can differentiate between different sleep stages (awake, REM sleep, non-REM sleep) and detect sleep disorders like sleep apnea.
  • Brain Death: The absence of electrical activity on an EEG is a confirmatory sign of brain death.
  • Coma: EEG can help assess brain activity levels in coma patients.

Beyond Diagnosis:

EEG isn’t just a diagnostic tool. Researchers are exploring its potential in various fields:

  • Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs): EEG can be used to develop BCIs that translate brain signals into commands for external devices, potentially helping people with disabilities control artificial limbs or computer interfaces.
  • Neuroscience Research: EEG plays a crucial role in studying brain function, memory, learning, and perception.
  • Cognitive Psychology: Researchers use EEG to understand how the brain processes information and performs cognitive tasks.
  • Neuromarketing: Some companies are exploring EEG to understand consumer behavior and product preferences.

Limitations to Consider:

While EEG is a valuable tool, it has limitations:

  • Limited Spatial Resolution: EEG can’t pinpoint the exact source of activity within the brain due to volume conduction.
  • Sensitivity to Noise: Muscle movements and eye blinks can introduce electrical noise that can distort the EEG signal.
  • Individual Variations: Brainwave patterns can vary significantly between individuals, making interpretation challenging.

Conclusion: A Promising Future for EEG

Despite limitations, EEG remains a powerful and versatile tool for exploring the brain’s electrical symphony. As technology advances and data processing techniques improve, EEG holds immense potential for further breakthroughs in neuroscience, diagnosis, and brain-computer interfaces.






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