Editorial Topic : Super Election Year 2024: A Year of Global Change

GS-2 Mains : Polity

Question : How many countries are set to hold elections in 2024, and approximately how many voters will be involved globally?

Over 60 Countries to Hold Elections:

  • 2 billion voters (¼ of the world’s population) will participate.

Highlights by Country:

  • Mexico:Potential first female president.
  • United States:Joe Biden seeks re-election.
  • Taiwan:Historic third consecutive term for Democratic Progressive Party.
  • Indonesia (4th most populous country):Electing a new president.
  • Bangladesh:Sheikh Hasina wins fifth term.

Key Themes:

  • Societal divisions:Abortion rights, corporatization in agriculture, etc.
  • Elections as battles of ideology:Deciding the direction of societies.


  • UK:Bookmakers favor Labour Party win (1/10 odds) against Conservatives (6/1).
  • US:Potential Trump vs. Biden rematch with abortion rights as a key issue.
  • South Africa:Possible first multi-party government post-apartheid.
  • India:Focus on unemployment, food security, and press freedom by opposition.


  • Super election year will determine the direction of societies facing ideological conflicts.


Editorial Topic : No last word

GS-2 Mains : Polity

Question : What were the concerns raised regarding the composition and neutrality of the committee tasked with examining the “One Nation One Election” (ONOE) proposal?

Concerns Regarding the Committee:

  • Congress Leader’s Refusal: Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury declined to participate, questioning the panel’s neutrality.
  • Composition Bias: The eight-member panel was perceived to favor the government’s stance.
  • Presumption in Terms of Reference: The terms of reference presumed that simultaneous elections are in the “national interest.”
  • Lack of Balanced Deliberations: Doubts raised about whether the report merely echoes the government’s proposal without thorough deliberation.

Objectives of “One Nation One Election” (ONOE):

  • Resource Optimization: Emphasizes that separate elections waste resources and cause policy paralysis.
  • Reduction of Socio-Economic Costs: Cites the economic burden and voter fatigue associated with multiple elections.
  • Proposed Solution: ONOE aims to streamline elections across all levels to address these concerns.

Dissenting Voices Against ONOE:

  • Opposition from Political Parties: 15 political parties have expressed opposition to ONOE.
  • Concerns of Regional Election Officials: Tamil Nadu Election Commissioner and others warned of diluting focus on regional challenges.
  • Alternative Proposals: Suggestions like state funding of elections are considered more effective in tackling inefficiency.
  • Criticism by Legal Experts: Former Chief Justices express concerns about political accountability and the impact on regional parties.

Threats to Political Diversity and Regional Parties:

  • Impact on Regional Parties: Fear that state-level parties may struggle to compete with national parties under ONOE.
  • Flattening of Political Diversity: ONOE could diminish the significance of region-specific issues and parties.
  • Transformation of Electoral Landscape: Risks altering the dynamics established since the Sixties, with the rise of regional parties.


  • Need for Continued Dialogue: The panel’s report should not be the final verdict, and dissenting voices must be considered in ongoing discussions about ONOE.


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